Years ago, I started a YouTube channel. Unlike a lot of people, I didn't start it to post regular updates or to make a million and become an 'influ...
Back in 2013 on another site I wrote a blog series documenting my journey restoring a load of 19th and 20th century saws. I'm not going to move all...
In this episode I wanted to look at using a hand brace and explore some of the so called hints and tips out there to see if they really are useful....
I know I said that sharpening an auger bit would be part 8 of this blog series, but I've taken the liberty of bringing it forward since the 'Using ...
I thought I'd mix it up a bit in this part of the blog and record a video where I: • Discuss what to look for when you pick up a secondhand brace a...
During the restoration of RUSTY in Parts 1 to 4, I showed how to fix a couple of common problems. The first was scoring on the outside of the jaws ...
Well here we are at the finale of this brace restoration (DON'T YOU DARE SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM YET!). At the end of Part 3 I wiped the Head and the...
 At the end of Part 2, I left you with this photo showing how the ratchet end of the brace looked after de-rusting it and polishing it up. I still ...
 Part 2 - Cleaning and Restoring a Brace to 'Like New' Condition At the end of Part 1 I showed you a photo of the polished chuck. The outside was ...
 In a tool gloat, someone on a different forum showed off some lovely braces he'd purchased and said "Now I just have to learn how to restore this ...
Not everything I do turns out great and this is the story of one of those occasions. A few months before the lockdown, I was driving through the Ne...
 After looking for many years and losing many auctions, I finally won a Norris A5 smoother for a reasonable price. I knew it needed a lot of work, ...