Mini Office Workbench

13 entries

1 Introduction

Before, [IMG_8259.png] after, [IMG_8260.png] Boys and Girls, I always hated blogs with a single line that contained bugger all detail but a link ...

2 Cutting the board

Boys and Girls, After finding an appropriately wide panel (past constructions), the first step was to cut to length. My Kapex has a reach of only ...

3 Amendment to that short board cutting confusion

Boys and Girls,   In the previous video, I got lost in how to cut on my MFT layout on a short board.  It was and embarrassing long delay, portrayin...

4 Laying out the Index holes 

Boys and Girls,                                                                                                       Another one of Murphy’s relat...

5 Drilling the easy dog holes

Boys and Girls,                                                                                                       This blog is about drilling t...

6 Chamfering, and drilling awkward holes

Boys and Girls,                                                                                                       The previous blog covered the...

7 Preparing for the cookies

Boys and Girls,                                                                                                       The board has been dogged and...

8 Cutting the cookies

Boys and Girls,                                                                                                       I slapped on my shiny new yel...

9 Sanding the cookies

Boys and Girls,                                                                                                       Armed with some freshly cut r...

10 Threading, bolting and rubberising the cookies

Boys and Girls,                                                                                                       Chose to cannibalise some thr...