Venturi Vacuum for Work Holding and beyond...

5 entries

1 Intro

[EBD9FCF0-9EDB-411E-AEA3-C663E790B6FB.jpeg] During a discussion here a few weeks ago, the issue of vacuum work holding came up. That's intriguing ...

2 Pump Kit Assembly

This entry will focus on the assembly of the V4 veneer vacuum kit from I spoke about the choice of this pump in the first entry...

3 Bits and bobs...

This entry is going to focus on the bits and bobs that turn the venturi pump from a pump into a workholding device. This one rambles a bit, so get ...

4 ...and now for the clamping!

In this installment, I'll be talking about the actual implementation of the vacuum clamp, successes and failures, and what I plan to do next... As...

5 P.S. - new benchtop!

Just a short entry, maybe almost just an addendum…. I swapped out the table top on the Auxilary bench for a 2’x4’x3/4” thick chipboard covered wit...