DIY Clamps

7 entries

1 Introduction

I've been spending a lot of time recently scheming DIY clamping options for my CNC machine.   After posting the first set of clamps as a project (b...

2 Simple Cam Clamps

The Sea-N-Sea clamps worked great, but they had some downsides: • Multi-part assembly - not complicated, but they take time to knock out. • With th...

3 Cam/Plunger Clamp

One of the things I really like about the Sea-N-Sea clamp is that its clamping pad pushes against the work instead of the cam so there's no tendenc...

4 Cam/Plunger Clamp (rev. 2)

The previous plunger clamp functioned great, but it seemed a bit wide for what it needed to do.  For rev. 2, I slimmed it down.  Instead of the sli...

5 Cam/Plunger Clamp (rev. 2a)

Yesterday evening, I cut out the parts for the long version of the clamps and got one assembled. [20230324-IMG_7799.jpg] On the first test, the t...

6 Custom T-bolts and knobs

One challenge of fastening to the aluminum channel is that it doesn't work well with regular t-track bolts, which can spin freely in the channel.  ...

7 Wing knob refinement

The wing knobs and T-bolts from the last post were working well for the cam clamps, but one thing I thought would make them better is if I could in...