commented about 18 hours ago
nice sticks dutch. i keep seeing these pop up here, maybe i need to make some too ?
Yes you need to make some too, otherwise you will be blocked here 😜

commented about 16 hours ago
I have a hard time with smallish knobs. Seeing that the knobs are just hanging in the air, size wouldn't matter, except easing the tightening, loosening. 

You can use the knobs whatever you like, o and BTW tightened is tightened 😉

Peter Jones
commented about 11 hours ago
These pinch sticks look very interesting but what are they used for? I have never seen or heard of them before, maybe I need them but just don't know yet.
See pictures below:

commented about 9 hours ago

My only concern was with the "rotary knob".. though yours doesn't look that big... You U'peans and those Yanks, sure get access to a lot of hardware us poor, unfortunate, isolated, neglected (feeling sorry for us yet) Aussies don't get access to.
A nice solution for


And thanks to everyone else for your comments as well
