Update - 2


Hi all, I hopened everyone is well and enjoying the festivities! ? I realise that I haven’t posted anything in quite some time so I thought I had better give a bit of an update.

Things have been rather hectic for me over the last few months I finally have my new hens (who keep escaping!) and my business haschool officI ally launched!!!! ? This has left me with very little time to spare but I have managed to integrate the woodworking side of my life into my business so that I am doing something I love.

I have a few new creations and a few new bits of kit including a scroll saw and a pyrography pen. I’ve been working with natural materials to create hanging plaques and ornaments for Christmas and I have a few ideas for the new year.

Lots of exciting things happening and I’ll get some pictures to follow, I hope everyone has a fantastic new year if I don’t get chance to say so sooner. It feels great to be able to sit down for two minutes to catch up but I fear things are just going to keep on getting busier especially with spring on the horizon!


it sounds like an exciting time for you. best of luck with the business (and the hens)

-- Alec (Friends call me Wolf, no idea why)

Thank you! The business is pretty straightforward compared to keeping the hens in their pen. They are little escape artists


So glad to hear of all your good fortune Peep. We are all pulling for you.


Thank you. It’s been stressful but it’s been good too andifficult I want a life where I’m living off and working with the land. Most of my projects use various natural materials now and I try to recycle where I can
