Sash Windows - journey into the unknown #7: Falling behind but that's ok

I'd hoped to have had more of the sashes glued together by now than I have, family commitments have kept me out of the living room workshop for the last two weekends, but that's OK, there's no deadline on these, they've needed doing for about the last ten years so another week or two won't matter.

When I have had chance to do a bit on these I dry assembled all the frames and cut and jointed the glazing bars, then dry assembled the frames with the glazing bars in them to check everything was good.

Everything has then been disassembled, dipped in wood preserver and given 24 hours to dry before glue up. Everything including the loose tenons got a half hour dunk. One of the properties of the pine is it's ability to take up preservatives.
I did an adhesion test first to make sure the preserver didn't compromise the glue, everything  is good in that respect.

I've been using Cascamite to glue these together, it seems this is the industry standard glue for joinery in the UK.
One real advantage Cascamite has is the long set up time. It stays workable for a good 30 minutes, plenty of time to check for square and make adjustments.

For the first time too, I used these little brushes from Amazon to spread the glue. Well worth £3.
Really pushing the boat out on this build.

I like the process, and progress. Everything is looking good.  Nice touch on the preservative.
On there way to becoming some nice Sashes...

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.

Thanks Bently, I have to admit I'm enjoying doing this project, still a long way to go though....
I also like to follow this journey. Thanks for posting.

Thanks for the message Mark,
I'll be waiting for the next insert.

I'm staying busy,  Can't post pics in the messages so here is what I'm currently working on.
It's for a bedroom, 15' wide by 9' high, Walnut.  Doors will be 1" material for the stile and rails.
Unit will go wall to wall and I will scribe the sides in with my new scribe pencil  :)
(There will be a bed in the middle and sconces on the back wall) LED's in the header

Lower Portion

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.

bent please post and share this as a project when done my friend ! many here love to see your work !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Sashes are looking great 👍

Best thing is you seem to have the time to do it all right, No compromises from being rushed.