

My favorite technique is by far chainsaw carving for many reasons. You can do so many different projects from 2d signs, log signs, sculpture and so much more. It intrigues people to see such creations being made with a saw. These are some of my recent projects as i am just getting started in chainsaw carving. I find myself being able to work all day and loving every minute as a stump becomes something new. People slow down as they drive by to see what im working on and i technique i can travel with and create some eye candy anywhere and any size.

Besides, how cute is my 3 year old taking after daddy. This artistic technique takes woodworking to its own unique category and is so much fun, thats why this is my favoritetechnique.

Carvings by Levi

Lol how cute is that. Thats a picture for the wall. Nice work.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

It’s a mystery to me how you chainsaw guys manage to carve so well with those things. Nice work and I see you even have a next generation apprentice.

Mike, an American living in Norway

Thank you and well said whitacrebespoke. Ive got a long way to go, im just getting started. Ive been carving a smaller scale for awhile but i love chainsaw work.

Carvings by Levi