logging trailer #2: getting started


This is part 2 in a 3 part series: logging trailer

Part 1 was a general intro. Now i will talk a little bit about my progress so far. I started obviously by choosing a trailer. This being a low budget build i was looking for cheap. Theres no point in buying an eye candy trailer just to tear it down and redesign it. I had an idea of what i wanted before buying so i found one heavy duty enough to add to. My truck is also big enough to handle my trailer after its done.

92 w350 dually. I have welded alot including the front bumper on my truck, reposioning trailer axles etc. I have been researching and rounding up materials. I have enough to get started no but still looking for more. More scource has been scrap metal yard, facebook and craigslist. The trailer currently has an agriculture type hitch.

I found this trailer house tongue on facebook for $30 so im putting the 5 1/16" ball hitch on instead and even have some extra steel. Total investment so far is right around $500. The 2 ton axle is bigger than what picture shows. Luckily i had a chain hoist that i hooked to a tree to help unload.

No i have 2 heavy duty spindles. For the open center section i can turn back in for scrap for a few bucks or… what i will do is… weld some stands on and make a gearhead planter. My next entry will start some before and after pics and we will start to see some changes. The metal floor will come off and rotten wood underneath removed. The tongue will the new hitch and i will be starting the crane before adding new wood and metal back to the floor…

Carvings by Levi

Fun project to watch. Looks like real heavy duty components, which I am sure you will need to haul logs with.

Mike, an American living in Norway

Very good work on the blog so far. Can’t wait to see and read the next instalment. Great work so far.

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

Thanks. Never did a blog before

Carvings by Levi


That looks like a heavy-duty tree for a heavy-duty axle!


“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Benjamin Franklin

definitely going to be a heavy duty trailer .
