New shop toys


Well let me say it feels good to be back in the shop Part Time. As the year moves forward my shop time will increase. I already have a list of things that need to be built from my daughter, and myself like finishing my workbench that came to a screeching hault. Meanwhile, I did some shopping for the shop. Some time back we woodworkers had been discussing mitersaws. I had mentioned that I was going to save up for a Festool Kapex. Well , I didnt buy that. I bought the Festool Domino 500. I sold my Port Cable Biscute Jointer to aid in this purchase which I had sold in less than 5 minutes. So this is a dream for me. A dream that has taken 30 years to get my hands on a top quality tool. Ok lets get back to earth. No it was a goal and I did it. Then headed over to Rockler to pick up an second hose for my sander and drawer aid tools.
Thought I’d share with you all and see what you have bought recently. Please share, I want to see whats new in your shop.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"


Hey Jeff congratulations on your fine purchase. I treated myself at Christmas for the same unit. Haven’t used it much yet but I know it won’t be long. (Their prices were supposed to be going up by 10 -12% in January so I finally bit the bullet.;

WC (Bruce)

Festool makes good stuff.

I don’t have the domino 500 but I do have the jig saw and the track saw from them. Quality tool for sure.

This said I don’t use both much at all.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Well, with that said Wood-Chuck and Ianwater i say i challenge you guys to build something and you must use your festool (s) you have till the end of March to get it done. I need to build a desk so thats what ill be building. Let me know what you are thinking of building. Oh, and anyone can join in on a fun build. Lets have some fun. No it cannot be already built. Submit pictures of build and finished project on this post.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Sounds like fun. I do need to make a window seat for a friend and I’m refurbishing an antique table that I want to make some wide insert for. Simple but I’ll put the machine to work. I’ll keep you posted

WC (Bruce)

Sorry Jeff, I have not been spending time in the shop since I finished my buffet.
I only went in to check my Christmas gift but that was it.

I have a lot of work related stuff to focus on at the moment. All must be done by end of March.

Enjoy you build.

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

Hey Jeff
I broke out the Domino this afternoon to use for alignment on the insert boards for the antique table I’m working on. I don’t normally use anything for alignment other than clamps and cauls. What a treat so easy even I can do it :). Simple glue up perfectly aligned. I always leave the boards oversized in all directions and then plane then down to final thickness when they dry. There is usually a slight variation that I have to hand plane on one side before heading to the planer. Not this time they are bang on …. I love it! The Domino is certainly going to be a useful addition to the shop.

WC (Bruce)

that is very cool. i need to finish up the refinishing project before starting the desk for my daughter. I will be using mine on the desk build. I am glad you had success with your domino. awesome! looks great!

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

wow very cool Whitacrebespoke

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Well i have used my domino but i ran into some issues i cannot figure out. I used the repeatability attachments and set both of the at the 100 mark. Started from the same side on both boards and by the time i ended the holes did not match up. I had to go through and recut or change the setting to open the hole wider for them to come together. I also had to plug the the hole next to the new location of the donino so it would be a solid tendon. Well this was my first time using it. So i have a lot to learn as any new tool. But i do have to say i do love it. I’ll be practicing with it after i finish the two projects i have going. Ill include some puctures

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

The desk looks great Jeff. I haven’t taken the time to figure out the attachments yet either, I’m sure they are all useful ….. just need more shop time :)

WC (Bruce)

Well if you go to my YouTube channel and watch the desk build you’ll see i used my Domino. Well here is the finished product

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"