Part 3 of table repair is on YouTube


Just uploaded Part 3 of the Table repair/ refinishing. if you haven’t seen part one or 2 hurry up to my channel and get started.
Please Subscribe, Like and Share. Thank You!

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Nice work Jeff, thank you for the videos.


great video Jeff.
what was the stain used?

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

The stain used was a custom made by Sherwin William. I took a leg off the table and had them analysis and make it. So it cannot be bought right off the shelf. If you want. I could take a picture of the mix colors and ounces that make up that stain then you could go and have it made. Let me know. Great question thanks

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Love the color of the stain. The table is looking great.

WC (Bruce)

I would like to try it.
It looks really nice. Could you post the mix?

Thanks Jeff!

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA


Sorry it took so long been very busy with the desk build.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"

Thanks :)

Abbas, Castro Valley, CA

You’re welcome. I just excited that you loved the color. I would like to see how it turns out on your project.

Jeff Vandenberg aka "Woodsconsin"