Needleworking Blogs

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With my first crochet project in years completed, it is now time to try and remember how to do #TunisianCrochet “in the round”. Yesterday morni...
Well, here I am, just a couple of weeks into my return tony craft of  #crochet and I already have the “more than one project in the go”. So here’s...
As I make my way back into the crocheting world, I find myself doing a lot of FROGGING, ripping out rows and rows of stitches, rectifying proble...
Last year, I didn’t do any decorating for Christmas. This year, I purchased a new tree ( and, then, found some gnomes at Costco tha...
There’s a 16yo entrepreneur in Kansas that us sewing up face masks. I bought four of them and they are well made, fashionable, and work well. If yo...