WIP - that didn’t take long

Well, here I am, just a couple of weeks into my return tony craft of  #crochet and I already have the “more than one project in the go”.

So here’s my excuse: I was progressing along on my afghan, comfortable in the process but not really feeling it, re: the pattern. It will probably look nice in the end, but right now? Hmm

And in this state of not-happy-with-the-project, I realized that I could be making Christmas presents! I have 12 people coming for dinner and I could easily make 12 “things” to leave at their plate.

2, 2, 2 projects on the go… the afghan and a #cowl #scarf! 

For the scarf, I began with a chain of 90, loaded the Tunisian stitches onto the hook with the main colour and then did the return pass with the secondary colour. 
I then joined the chain together, working into that first stitch to form a circle, making sure that I did not twist the work, keeping the secondary colour on the top all the way around.

After working the first few stitches of that second row, I went back to the loose ends, tied them into knot, pulling the work together, lining up the row of the secondary colour and then used a darning needle to weave in the loose ends.

Now it’s a matter of #TunisianCrochet ‘ing around around until I am happy with the size and finishing it off! 
- Debbie

Toxins Out, Nature In - body/mind/spirit