Desk for an RN graduate


Awhile back my niece graduated from nursing school as an RN. As a gift I produced this desk for her. It’s made of oak and uses Mortise and tenon joinery. I scrolled out the sides to match her new degree.
The drawer and keyboard drawer close flush with a flip down panel hiding the keyboard tray when closed.

Interesting story about the scroll work. I started it with an extremely old caste iron craftsman scroll saw I had that I called ‘thumper’ because of how it made a loud thumping sound when I used it. Soon after starting the scroll the thing broke to the point that it was not realistically repairable. So, I looked on Craigslist and found this. Almost new… and $75. Yup.. and nothing wrong with it. It was about 40 miles away. If you are familiar with this saw you know it sells for $500+.

End of story….

Dan Gagner, Craftsman on the lake. The lake is calm, the wife is understanding, the wood is dry. What more is there...

Beautiful table! Nice scroll saw. DeWalt, huh? Didn’t know DeWalt made a scroll saw.

Keith "Shin" Schindler

Your niece will probably pass this down as an heirloom, very well done!

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

Great work and a good buy. For Dewalt tools try their refurbished tools. I bought a refurbished 18v drill with battery and charger for 99.00 . Just go to their website.

Gene Peebles Rent A Man

Wow Dan this is a fantastic desk.

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