Argyle cutting boards, version 3

From my project a week series. These are #408 and 409 (year four, projects no. 8 and 9)

Finally finished my latest attempt at simplifying/streamlining the Argyle process. This time yielded a fairly long glue up, so prospective board number three (and an extra mini board if I was lucky) became two.
I showed a step by step of the process here. (More photos!... which hopefully explain things well enough. cause words are hard.)

It’s been a while since I planed these down, cut them to final size and started sanding them. And with that, my memory is a little fuzzy on the details and possible tweaks I had in mind for version 4. It’s also gotten fairly hot out fairly quickly (so that doesn’t help the remembering), BUT, now that the basement is a cool retreat, (rather than a cold exile) It was nice to get down there and finish these up.

All that was left for me to do this weekend was to do a little final sanding and get them all buttered up (with the oft mentioned homemade woodbutter blend of food grade beeswax and mineral oil).

A busy spring away from the shop, will hopefully turn into a cool summer in it, as I’m woefully behind on my project count, even considering the 4 other projects I’ve completed, but can’t post yet. Because gifts.

Walnut, Maple and Cherry. Finished with wood butter. The walnut edges are book-matched pieces, and so are the walnut squares within the pattern. One is slightly bigger - appx 12.25" x 8.25" x 5/8” thick, the slightly smaller one is a bit thicker at appx 11.75” x 7.8 x 3/4” thick. Both a great size for cutting or serving.

#keeponmaking #projectaweek #project52 #Argylecuttingboard

Beautiful Board, great job!

-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)