2022 Knife Swap Entry

This was my entry for the latest swap I participated in. I made a draw knife from some O1 Tool steel and turned some handles from a block of Maple. I then created a jig to cut a slot in the tapered handle.

After the slot was cut, I fit a piece of Walnut into the slot. The slot was cut to house the tang on the draw knife and epoxied into the handle with the Walnut strip. I did split the end of the tang and burned it into the end of the handle prior to epoxy for added security.

As normal, this needs a presentation box. I made this from some 3/8" Cherry stock I had on hand. corners were mitered and splined with an angled piece of Red Gum. The bottom and top were both set in dados prior to gluing up the box.  I wanted the top to look a little different so I cut bevels around the edge. Then it was cut on the table saw. After it was opened up, I added the Walnut strips to create a lip around the box. Added a couple of magnets to the leading edge and simple hinges to the back.

The draw knife and box were finished with a few coats of Danish Oil, followed by around 6 coats of lacquer (I lost count). I then fitted the interior of the box with some layer of closed cell foam with cutouts for the tools. As a bonus I added a marking Knife with the set.

Thanks for looking and comments are always welcome and appreciated.

Main Street to the Mountains


damn sweet eric.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Thanks, Pottz. The metal work is starting to take hold on me.

Main Street to the Mountains

These look great and once again, I am liking the presentation box!  
Thanks, Barb. I like making the boxes.

Main Street to the Mountains

Great job!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Thanks, Ryan. After seeing some of the items posted from the swap, I started thinking I fell short on this one. But the recipient liked it, and that is what counts.

Main Street to the Mountains

Love it Eric!  I have a few drawknives but have often wished for a smaller one with handles in-line.  Just like this one.  Methinks this will be on my todo list soon :-)
Thanks, Kenny. The only problem I had was getting a good edge on it, but I did draw blood at one point. Sharpening is a skill that I need to work on for the razor-sharp edge.

Main Street to the Mountains

Yeah sharpening is always a challenge Eric.  Just something you have to chip away at until it falls into place.
Nicely done and very functional.    Excellent.  


Thanks, Ron. I have another blade cut and shaped, broke off one of the bent over tangs, need to make a set of handles for it and keep it in the shop.

Main Street to the Mountains

Catching up, really good job Eric.

"Duck and Bob would be out doin some farming with funny hats on." chrisstef

Thanks Duck, It was a fun Swap. There is another one here, a Box Swap, it can be found in forums under Project Swaps.

Main Street to the Mountains

As per your usual excellence, I like all the items.

No Bees. No Honey. Bees Lives Matter

I appreciate how you always go the extra mile with the accessories, Nice work Eric! 
Thanks Brian, I still have some skills to work on, and I like to try new things.

Thanks Splinter, some of the accessories are what add to them, the bonus items are fun to make too. 

Main Street to the Mountains