Walnut segmented bowl 29x8cm, 6.5cm deep. Bottom made of one piece of wood , side segmented, consists two layers of 12 pieces each, glued. Final shape turned on lathe, finish wood oil.



nice bowl buddy.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Not a bowl guy but like your jigs maj.

Hard not to notice you using those band clamps.

Don't know whether youve seen Boxguy's (I think that's his name... can anyone help me out?) band clamps from those ratchet tie-down bands
He did a great blog on LJ.  I made a set,

and I'm sure many other members did the same.

You can get great pressure with them... more than those band clamps.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Well done Ivan, that looks great a simple design and lines, the grain is what makes it.

Main Street to the Mountains

Nice bowl majuvla,
I like your clamping press.  
Interesting that you kept the band clamps on while pressing the layers together. 
I take it they were still drying/curing?
Seams all look good and tight. Nice work

Figuring out how to do something you have never done is what makes a good challenge.

very nice bowl very nice jig Ivan the master 😍😎


Nice turning buddy, the grain in that wood is so interesting. What I need to remember is making the segments big enough to show the grain.

.................. John D....................

LBD , I saw that...but, I find my strap clamps easier to use.
Bentlys, it easy to make both strap and jig press at tghe same time, you just to have apply preasure grduately at the same time.


Nice bowl, Ivan!!!!!!!!!!!...Cheers, Jim

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

Great bowl.
Re: LBD comments about clamping pressure. It is my experience that you don't want to clamp joints so tight you squeeze out all the glue. So like most things moderation work better.
You walnut oil finish looks good. I use it a lot. Then I use a carnauba wax on top of it if I don't apply a harder salad bowl top finish. 
Nice walnut bowl. Good job!