Stropping set

So this is my another sharpening thing I made. I used to keep a leather stropping and a stropping compound in a ziploc but I upgraded it.

Quick access, compact to store and It's actually so handy.

No name noobie here

Nicely done.

Main Street to the Mountains

Eric, Thank you! 

No name noobie here

Another great video. I love the way you work, it reminds me of how I started. For many years I did everything on a really old Black and Decker Workmate that sat outside in my garden for over 20 years in all weathers because that is all I could do at the time. That Workmate just refused to die. I weighted it down with concrete so I could use a hand plane without it tipping.

Obviously there are limitations to this way of working, but there are also ways around the limitations and I think finding them for all those years made me a better woodworker in the long run. I love my strops and use them regularly to touch up an edge between sharpening sessions. I made the two at the bottom of the pile and bought the two with handles. I even made my own stropping paste last year.

Andy -- Old Chinese proverb say: If you think something can't be done, don't interrupt man who is doing it.

I like this, may have to make one for myself. Good job.  Mike
Brit, Oh haha, thank you! I don't make stuff to sell but I just enjoy the process of woodworking so I don't need big machines or a big space:) I still use the chairs but my outside workbench now is a retired fishtank base...

You even made the paste... what can't you make? probably the next thing you can make is a big ziploc? so you can store them all?

Mike, Thank you as always! 

No name noobie here

Great project!!!!
Regards Cliff
CLIFF OLSEN - Thank you! This turned out to be more practical than I thought!

No name noobie here