I had seen pictures of People using Mallets at meetings and Judges in the Movies Banging their Table with a Mallet to retain order.
The many shapes and sizes of Mallets are very interesting.  I don't know if my Mallet is Correct.   But I thought I would just have a go.
No measuring or planning, just let the wood decide.
I don't know very much about wood working and turning, so it was a bit of a scary experience ....But I must have Held My Mouth the Right Way and resisted the urge for my elbows to flap up an down to keep time with turning.
The result was I didn't think to add progress pictures.

The mallet was made from two different species of wood.   
Finished with Several Coats of Danish Oil and waxed and Buffed by hand.


You did a fine job Cliff. now al lyou need is a disk to pound the mallet on.

Main Street to the Mountains

Another good-looking mallet.  I haven't made one yet, something I need to do. Good job.   Mike
eric-"the loft"
Thank you Eric.
Maybe it could also be used as a Steak Tenderiser....ha ha ha ha...
Hi Mike,
Thank you.    Yes that would be great.  I'm sure you would enjoy making a Mallet. 
Regards..... Cliff.
That is a good looking mallet, Cliff!!!!!!!!

 Cheers, Jim 

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

Thanks Jim,