Sometimes an already great design can use an update.
I came across a vintage lazy boy chair, from way before what we now know. It was a wooden frame and had a slide out foot rest that tucked away when not in use.
I borrowed the basic idea as above, however, the foot rest pad on my version is attached by hinges so it flexes to the angle of your legs no matter how much the foot rest is pulled out.
The foot rest slide out is made the same way a simple drawer slider would work. Wax and its ready for summer.
Naturally, this type of situation, the foot rest supports weight better if not extended too far out.
I wish I had taken more pictures but as you guys can see that its pretty simple.
Good one Steve, There is a few on here that can be identified just with a photo, Not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing. But there is some good talent here just the same.
Hey thanks guys, moving parts, lol. So much talent and creativity here. Now if only we all had shops with teleporters in them, imagine the collaborations!