Chakra Cabinet

Well, my Granny used to say, 'well boy, if your gonna be odd ya might as well own it'.  Bless her, she never got to see...

Its not just mechanical puzzle boxes I am enamored with, but the finer mechanics of all things seen and unseen.

One such journey led me down a path where I came to understand that all is but frequency, vibration and resonance.  I also understood that if there were natural situations that existed that were ultimately unexplained negative environmental conditions and how they affected the human body, then surely there must be the opposite vibration that becomes a state of nourishment and enrichment for the human body.  The Earth's ley lines are an example.

While there are no moving parts, I assure you that this is definitely a machine, but one of frequency.  If two guitars can sit in a small room and have just one string plucked on one guitar, only to have that same string on the other guitar vibrate is a proof, even though it was never physically touched.  We call this resonance and the primary driver of such an extended thought stream.

If everything emits a frequency, like light and sound etc, then everything emits a frequency.  There is much more available on this in quantum mechanics/physics, but lets keep this light, lol. 

The perfect cubes that make up the 7 cubes carry a certain vibration, as does the circles, refracted color light, copper, cedar, and pyramid. There are no ferro metals or toxic materials used in its construction/finishing.  

The idea is to place a small copper vessel of spring water inside one of the cubes for 24 hours, to be left exposed to the full sun or moon, depending on intent.  Each cube also holds crystals that are specific to the color of the cube to help amplify those energies.  There is currently tons of information out there on water and its ability to hold programming and memory.

At the top is a copper pyramid, where much research has shown to draw magnetic energies up from the Earth.  The double terminated quarts acts as am amplifier and actually ejects energy overloads out the top instead of only building within.  There are some cool pictures that show this effect on the net.

Am I a scientist, nope, just a random guy who reads way too much, lol, and felt inspired to build what my mind saw.  I don't have the education or the equipment to test any of this and mostly just use it for myself, lol.  
 There were once 6 of these and they quickly all got sold, save but one for me.  ; )

Thanks for looking guys!

~ Mystery by Design ~

Interesting project and defiantly different. I have also read about sound and how it can be used with the reverberations. It is an interesting subject. Also seen the effects by watching Ancient Aliens, LOL. It's all in theory but can be enlightening. 

It appears that you have made a great box with some accurate details, the copper pyramid on the top is wonderful and could be copied for other items, I'll have to remember that. Not sure what else I can say.

Main Street to the Mountains

Hey thanks Eric, ya it’s just one of those things.  It’s great to be a tinkerer, lol.

~ Mystery by Design ~

and interesting story...

 ..... even though it was never physically touched.  We call this resonance and the primary driver of such an extended thought stream.... 
 However, being a redneck from downtown Churchill (Aussieland), I call that ghosts

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Right? thanks LittleBlackDuck

~ Mystery by Design ~

I don't understand any of it, but interesting. 
Haha, thanks Scrappile!

~ Mystery by Design ~