18 Again Reprogrammable Puzzle Box

A puzzle friend sent me these beautiful hand painted boxes for me to retrofit.

They were beautifully painted by an artist in Romania and so inexpensive how could I say no, even if it is just a 'pine box'.

I was moved to build a combination style lock, one that is reprogrammable if possible, that was my challenge.

I learned how to create tumblers that when activated are either locked or unlocked.  For each pair of buttons (on the vertical) are the on/off buttons for that lock.  Depending on tumbler orientation, the top button could unlock, while in the next section it could be reverse.  If this locking system had only one tumbler it wouldn't be very challenging, but having 9, well that is a different kettle of fish.

The fun part was that I used a code to make things easier for me and for the end user.  I determined that the top row horizontally would stand for 'consonants' and the bottom horizontal row would represent the 'vowels' of a word.  So, if a customers name was 'Robert Ras', then the first vertical set of button would be set so that the top button would be the unlock selection.  The second vertical row of buttons would have the bottom button as the unlock selection, and so on.  To unlock, you just have to spell their name.

The center dowel rod threads them all together creating one axis point.  Each of the tumblers is cut the same, but installed either up or down within the carriage.  To reset and change the layout, just remove the carriage, then the center dowel axis pin.

After having said all of this, the setting of the lock tumblers in not enough to open the lid by itself.  An internal slider piece that is attached to the removable carriage that requires a gravitational bump for it to finally slide into the unlocked position.

After all of that, there is no room inside for anything, lol.

Thanks for looking guys!

~ Mystery by Design ~


Sounds complicated. For you, probably not..  I was excited to proclaim that you did a real nice job with the painting, except......

No Bees. No Honey. Bees Lives Matter

That is an interesting lock box, to bad there is no room inside to place anything. I like Brian was going the comment on the artwork of the box, it is still very nice.

Main Street to the Mountains

Thank Eric, yes oddly there are folks (odd folks) that enjoy the clash in function vs art.  For me it’s about the mechanisms, the sooner I get to that part the better, lol.  

~ Mystery by Design ~

Love the fact that after getting inside, nothing but mechanicals 😀

That's a beautiful box even if "just pine". I too use pine for many projects. I bet it is a challenge to open.

Your inventive mechanical prowess is awesome...

 I learned how to create tumblers that when activated are either locked or unlocked.  
Just the thought of reading makes me,

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Beautiful boxes that are now entertaining as well!
Very cool! 
Do you ever show how you make some of your puzzle boxes? 
They are all so amazing, but I'm jonesing to see the works.
I just love the creativity of the people on this site.

.................. John D....................

It’s awesome…but you can’t put anything in it! Need to micro-ize the mechanism, or build a bigger box!! Nicely don…

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Kel, you could write a blog explaining [arts and photos. I think there are many that are interested. Just saying.

Main Street to the Mountains

Hey thank guys, I have shown a few mechanisms over the years here and there.
I will post something fun tomorrow from the ole dusty closet and see where it goes!

~ Mystery by Design ~

We will be waiting for it now Kel.

Main Street to the Mountains

Another clever and creative puzzle. Nice work 
Thanks Guys!

~ Mystery by Design ~

Kel Snake
Hey thank guys, I have shown a few mechanisms over the years here and there.
I will post something fun tomorrow from the ole dusty closet and see where it goes!
Thanks, that will be interesting for sure.

.................. John D....................