Bow and arrow



Here’s a bow I made for my own amusement.

Made from a strip of 8mm red elm, 7 layers of fiber glass, 3 layers of carbon fibre and a black walnut handle.

This bow really works, it fires arrows with power and is strong. I can pull back as far as possible with no cracking or failure.

It was a task though, I had to build a jig With the correct bow curve, then assemble all the parts soaked in epoxy resin into a vacuum bag onto the jig then vacuum all the air out whilst clamping the materials to the jig leaving it to set. The rest is self explanatory but the results are lethal :)


Looks great! It looks like all of the fibre glass/carbon fibre is on one side. Is the would actually centred?


Hi there. Thanks for looking.
Yes the glass fibre and carbon fibre are both bonded to the front face only.


Awesome. Great job, nice that it has power too!

CHRIS, Charlottetown PEI Canada. Anytime you can repurpose, reuse, or recycle, everyone wins!

Looks great. Now go bring home dinner with it! ;-)

Losing fingers since 1969

Beautiful bow!
Have you ever checked the draw pull on a bow scale?


Thank you.

No sorry I havent.


Cool bow and super build process.

woodworking classes, custom furniture maker


Yes, I'm the weird girl who does pyrography...:) Don't forget to check out my Etsy shop at !