Spalted Maple Cabinet

Latest display cabinet design, just completed. Maple, Cherry. Book matched spalted maple door panels are veneered both front and back over a substrate. Unique maple stand. The interior maintains a lighter look to create a neutral backdrop for decorative objects and art pieces. A frame and panel back includes cherry inserts. Drawers are dovetailed with cherry drawer fronts. I designed a new stand that met a set of criteria (mainly stability) while maintaining a contemporary aesthetic. I like the contemporary look and the move away from a typical square or rectangular 4-legged stand. The idea for the design of the stand originated from a chair design of mine in 2014. I had designed a Lounge Chair (aXial Chair) with the same interlocking halves so adapted it for this stand. The innovative design was for a large Interior Design Show held annually that I participated in.

The challenges faced were deciding on proportions to have the cabinet and stand in harmony. I was seeking a wider, lower profile cabinet instead of the typical tall cabinets. Another criteria was to  have sufficient height inside to be able to properly display decorative and art objects while maintaining a lower profile. The drawer compartments were also challenging to have all openings uniform in height and width. This almost worked and they are very close. Therefore, some drawers are interchangeable while others are not. Knife hinges used as in all my cabinets. The drawer pulls are recessed to provide more clearance from the doors. The drawer pull design also provides an interesting aesthetic.

Norman Pirollo

bad ass norman ! your giving me inspiration for the one i wanna do !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.


Excellent design and execution!

Live your

 drawer pulls.


Another masterpiece, the book matched door fronts look great. A nice clean design with the base, well done.

Main Street to the Mountains

That’s work of art Norman. Looks like one of my favorite styles. Modern.

It also reminds me of one of my favorite artist paintings.

James McIntyre

Really well done Norman. Some excellent details!


Interesting cabinet, like the book matched doors, and the simplicity of the well crafted interior.  But not totally convinced about the sloping stand - memories of old school Blackboards.  But I'm totally blown away, and in wonder and awe, by the spotless workshop floor - extremely impressive! I must do better.
Thanks all, appreciate the comments!

Norman Pirollo

I like this! Clean and gorgeous but not too busy. One day, I hope to make a cool thing like this.

No name noobie here