Farm house kitchen & Coffee Bar

This is a project from 2019 for a farm house remodel I did.

The coffee bar and other things are made from old silo rod found on the farm, and some salvaged plank. Whenever you can include the forge, the welder, a couple hand planes and some woodworking in a project with salvaged materials from the property, it's going to be fun.

Note the final finish for all wood tops  was hand planed.

For raw material we'll start with a pile of old silo rod. For those who might not be aware, this rod was wrapped around a wood silo to hold it together. It is a long rod 1/2"-5/8" thick.

Part of the request was for a Noodle tray (yes, I had to look it up at first to). The noodle tray (well sort of) is a cut off from the countertop you'll see in a moment.

Here are the handles for the noodle try, hand forged from the same silo rod. (silo rod is a long rod 1/2"-5/8" thick that wraps around a silo to hold it together)

Some shelving units that are 2" native maple that was sawn from my mill.
The brackets… guessed it, silo rod.

I made the counter top from the 2" live edge maple as well. It was glued together and hand planed to level and finish.
The sink was found in the attic of the house.
The legs are the live edges left over from the countertop
Under the sink is oak and barn board.

An island made from  the same maple. Again, glued together and hand planed to level and finish. The face (or skirt maybe?) was Ash and Barnboard.

And next up is an oak rolling cart. The top is a piece of left over butcher block from another project.

And of course the actual coffee bar

Thanks for looking!

-- There is nothing like the sound of a well tuned hand plane. - and

GR8 JOB 😍😎👍


Great work Don.  Nice rustic stuff that suits the environment well!
Looks great I like the design , looks mighty fine Don.

-- Soli Deo gloria! ( To God alone be the Glory)

Nice work. Nice smooth top on that island. Nice metal work also
A wonderful project, really like the rustic look. Well done using stuff from the property for the build.

Main Street to the Mountains

I love the combinations of iron and wood. My mom had a kitchen sink similar to that when I was a kid. Brings back fond memories.

"Duck and Bob would be out doin some farming with funny hats on." chrisstef

I like this a lot, Don. Nice work!

Don't anthropomorphize your handplanes. They hate it when you do that. - OldTools Archive -

NIZE from every level and point of view.

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