Card Scraper Holder/ Vise

I wanted to try a card scraper so I finally got it and I made a scraper holder. Since I don't always have a vise close to me, I made the holder to have the vise capability (I don't want to go to my garage to grab a moxon vise just to sharpen this card each time...).

I was originally going to make the middle piece to be a wedge to bend the card scraper but I had many extra screws with a plastic knob so I decided to use it. The middle piece is staying in position with a magnet.

It was an easy quick project to enjoy.
I also bought the Accu Burr thing so I made the handle, too( I just put small pieces of wood by epoxy...).


No name noobie here


great tool my friend, a holder makes using a scraper much more comfortable.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Thank you Pottz. It's also fun to use! 

No name noobie here

Great project, YRTi.  I also have that AccuBurr, and too lazy to make handles for it.

No Bees. No Honey. Bees Lives Matter

Well designed and executed.   Nicely done.


Thank you Brian. I just glued cut off pieces to the rod as handles and they made a big difference! 

No name noobie here

Thank you Ron, it was a simple project.

No name noobie here

Nicely done Yrti, and it looks great. nice little feature with the center block you installed. 

Main Street to the Mountains

Nice holder, YRTi! I still use my scrapers by hand, but I have big strong hands for now. When the arthritis gets worse, I’ll probably make a holder much like yours.

May you have the day you deserve!

Eric, Thank you! 
Dave, oh I want big strong hands, haha. Thank you:)

No name noobie here

Nicely done! I honestly don’t use a scraper holder mostly because I’m lazy and most of my scraping is a couple quick passes….when I use it for a while I feel it though! And a holder would be a great idea then!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

kewl pants 😎 kewl tools GR8 JOB 😍😎👍


Great design! I really enjoy watching your videos.

-- Paul--- Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. — Scott Adams

Great explanation, thank you for the tutorial!
Ryan, Thank you! Your Accu Burr handle project made me get this accu burr and I like it. 

Tony, oh, haha, she made the pants as a joke. Thank you!

Tinnman65 I'm glad that you enjoyed it! It's fun to do woodworking/video editing!

 waho6o9, Thank you for checking the video. I was just sharing my experience so it's far from a tutorial:)

No name noobie here

Thank you, MikeB!

No name noobie here

Thanks Yrti... you've given me inspiration for another use for my 177.8mm Hand Screw clamp,

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Nicely done.  The holder is pretty clever.  
Cool, LDB
Thank you, swirt!

No name noobie here

I like it. Great holder. I went to you web site @ There are a lot of good projects there. Will you be posting some of them here?