6 Piece Puzzle

This is such a simple puzzle, but it's a tough solve. With only 6 pieces and just 4 different shapes it's hard to believe solving this could take a while. I saw this on the web and made it without knowing how to solve it. It's very easy to make, so I won't show you how to solve it, you can make it out of scrap and give it a try.
Pieces are 1/2" square x 3" long. All the cuts are either .5" or .25" so easy peezy. I found that people can put it together, but making it symmetrical is the hard part. When completed the puzzle should look the same from all sides. Give it a shot and let me know if it was easy or difficult.

.................. John D....................

This brings back good memories.  Made the same puzzle in HS Shop class.  Think I used a Radial Arm Saw and nibbled the joints out.  

daveg, SW Washington & AZ

Nice little Knot Puzzle John. Would make a great stocking stuffer for the holidays.

Main Street to the Mountains

Good puzzle, John!!

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

Thanks guys, not much of a project, but I was surprised how long it took me to solve it.

.................. John D....................

....., but I was surprised how long it took me to solve it.

Sorry to reign with your thunder, but if you keep it away from the rabble, this can be between U + Me...

Cheap and woodwortking in the same sentenc is an oxymoron!

Smart move....
