Copied Mantel Clock

I've wanted to make a clock for a very long time and saw that a couple of members had made them, so I copied one of them. The clock face was created in Illustrator. I used the gloss white spray enamel method to prepare the tiles for engraving because it is so easy. I don't usually like to copy someone else, but I couldn't pass on a project that looked so nice and Splinty posted the plans for this one.

I also had a tile that I engraved when I first got my laser. The tile was just practice, but a friend wanted it, so I made a frame for it. 

I'm planning to make at least one more clock because I designed a new clock face that I like better than this one.

.................. John D....................


They look great! It will be interesting to see what your next clock face looks like - I like the corner details on this one.
looks real nice john.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Nicely done A&C John, it looks great with the grains that pop. Hey, I get ideas from this site and others, willing to share if folks want to copy. I'll even share the plans if someone wants more details.

Main Street to the Mountains

Nice work John, you can really make wood pop!

Face looks great! I could spend hours making faces, but then I'd need to spend months making clock cases for it all.

With the ability to etch/color tiles, everyone wants a house address marker. Get a cheap kiln and you can glaze infills to create whatever someone wants.
Good looking clock     


Nicely done!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Very nice clock. I’ll be interested in seeing your new clock face as I like the way this one looks. Love the flecks in the wood. 
Good looking clock, John. Nice work on it!!

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

love this clock would like to make 1 some day GR8 JOB 😍😎👍


I like the frame!!


You guys basically made a same style clock but everyone's clock has definitely a different flavor to enjoy! Very cool. Looking forward to seeing another design one:)

No name noobie here

Thanks everyone, I appreciate the nice comments.

I didn’t mention a few things that I forgot about. I fumed the white oak to darken it up and then used dark walnut Danish oil to help pop the flecks.

I also had an 8/4 piece of plain sawn white oak that I cut slices off to produce what looked like quartersawn material with all the flecks. I’ve never done that before, but I’ve never had a project where that could work out like that.

.................. John D....................

Nicely done awsum!!!


Thanks Mike

.................. John D....................