Handouts for University Speakers

Informs is a program to help University Students settle on a major in the Business School and then help with job placement.   Major Corporations bring in speakers and seek students with good possibilites    Was ask to make a "Gift" for the speakers and mentors of this program.    This would be Professor DIL.    Have done this before with another project.    These are meant as simple ornaments, paper weights or whatever.  Simple block of wood with edging and lasered logo.  12 items.
3 5/8" X 4 7/8' X 1" out of Cherry.   Ortur Laser for the logo.   3 coats of wipe on poly followed by BriWax and buffing.    .   



Nice work, Ron! As someone that speaks at conferences, I would appreciate this as a gift for speaking. Many times, the only gift for speaking is free entry to the conference (which is a double-edged sword, because most of your time "attending" the conference is spent answering questions in the hallway both before and after your talk; so rarely do you ever get to attend as a regular attendee, e.g. to sit-in on talks from colleagues)
These are very nice and I would have appreciated something like that.  I gave presentations at quite a few conferences and this would have been a nice momento.

I have an Ortur LM3 10 watt and just getting started.  I would be interested in the settings you used.  The  engraving is very clean and looks good.  I am just finishing up my  enclosure for it and an inline exhaust fan going outside.  It was not easy getting the hole through the wall to the outside with the snow yesterday.
Thanks for the comments.   We hear a lot of comments on the "Stupid Students" like the girl who wanted a make up exam because she had been out partying and was in jail.      Or I forgot the date of the test.
But the kids that attend these have drive, GPA, and a future.    Makes one believe there is hope for the future.    


I think your DIL made a good choice, something "nice" for the presenters and something that wouldn't kill you Ron   😀

A good thing is I can't imagine anyone leaving theirs behind or otherwise not appreciating it. Just something about wood  🤔
Nicely done. Clean and simple. 👍🏼

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

nice work ron !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

 I have an Ortur LM3 10 watt and just getting started.  I would be interested in the settings you used.  The  engraving is very clean and looks good.  I am just finishing up my  enclosure for it and an inline exhaust fan going outside.  It was not easy getting the hole through the wall to the outside with the snow yesterday. 

My Ortur is 15 watt.   Laser Master 2 purchased 2 yrs ago as I remember.   Settings were 90% power 85 mms per sec.  speed.   Air on.   Air is supplied by a aquarium air pump.   Exhaust goes out a window, have a insert and close the window down on that.     4 inch hose through the insert    Think the air helps get a clean image.   Ortur now has a air pump available, was not available when I put my laser together.    I too have an inline exhaust fan, variable speed.    Use Lightburn for the software.    The Lightburn software s a lot more than I will ever need or use or will ever learn.    Hope this answers the question.     

Thanks for the comment on the blocks.  


Would you be able to post pics of your enclosure and vents? I don’t have one, but I’m considering the option if I can work out some other pieces.

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

GR8 JOB 😍😎👍


How'd you get the bevel on "dem dere tings" without the char marks... Just kidding 987, neat job.

Not the best place for this feedback RGi here... however,if you can, may I suggest you get a configuration that can cut at least 6.35mm thickness.  Might cost a few more shekels, but your opportunities increase 1,000 fold.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

You make the too quick Ron. They're going to want shorter lead times on the freebie projects. 
Nice looking gifts
Thanks for the laser info on your laser and settings.
 Would you be able to post pics of your enclosure and vents? I don’t have one, but I’m considering the option if I can work out some other pieces. 

Enclosure with vent out the window   The window piece is removable when not in use.   Inline exhaust fan out of the cabinet.   Left side is air pump, did not put it in the enclosure as it does get warm, not hot.  
Inside the enclosure is some strip lights.  Switches for air pump, lights and exhaust fan left front.  
The cabinet is plywood and some pine.   It has worked well for me.     

Open top double over lap on edges to keep any stray rays or lights inside.   Front window can be removed with the two knobs to allow better access if needed.....like raising the Ortur higher for a thicker project.   Never have used yet. 

Window panel out of the window when not in use. 

Hope this is what you wanted to see...... Ryan be glad to answer any questions.   


Looks great, thanks!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Very well done Ron...I would have expected no less from a great craftsman such as yourself...


Nice clean job as always. You have lots nifty gadgets, too!

No name noobie here