Mammoth Kauri Porsche Box

Fellow Porsche Enthusiast brought a piece of M. Kauri and ask if I could make him a box.    The amount of wood dictated the size of the box, only enough for this one.   9 1/2" wide, 5 1/2" deep and 3" tall.   box wall thickness is 1/2", lid is 3/8".    The lid center has 3 slates  with the German Flag colors on them.   Blac,k, red, yellow,   reversed the colors on the inside so they would be in the right order when the lid is open.
The outside top has the Porsche Logo inlayed and the inside of the iid has the Porsche Club Logo inlaid.   The finish is Osmo, several coats, buffed, waxed and polished.    The inside bottom has a cork lining 1/8" thick.   
The box joints were done on the router table using a Incra Ultra Jig.    The lid lift is a part of a ring the friend found in his Porsche, did not know where it came from, so we used it.
This is my only time ever to use this Kauri wood.   Really nice to work with and finishes well.
Friend was very happy with the box.   



Nicely done

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

GR8 JOB 😍😎👍


Thanks for the comments.   Fun project.


Beautiful Ron, great box joints and the brass accents the wood. Never heard of that one. Well done.

Main Street to the Mountains

nice box ron. that is some pretty expensive wood. also the oldest wood in the world.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Excellent box Ron. Lots of special details. That's the first time I have seen a ring used as a lid lift. And a fun story to go with it.
The first time I read your title I wondered "How big is this box?" I was looking at my unread posts list so no picture to go with it. I actually thought you might have built a garage!
Thanks for all the comments.    


Nice job Ron, well thought out project.

.................. John D....................


Really like the flag on both sides.  Cleaver

Well done


Thanks awsum and petey.    


Nicely designed.  Using the found ring for the lid lift is a clever feature too.  
Oh, I lived the area where the wood is from, haha. Nice and clean finish as always!

No name noobie here

Thanks for the comments     


Very nicely done, great work.