Find the 5th. Oinker…


Boys and Girls,
I drafted this project way back in April 2022 while I was still actively contributing to Lumberjocks. At the time of posting, I was pissed off with the effort contributors put into presenting their projects, so I really preened the presentation back to bear bones,
out of sheer frustration so all they got was 2 pictures 
and a link to a video,

My attitude hasn’t changed and if the above satisfies you without the extra crapola, please leave and pursue other thrillseeking ventures, otherwise following is the crux of that drafted project expanded to maybe provide some laser owners a few more stocking stuffers for Christmas… though these puzzles are designed for the more broad minded adults not easily offended.

****************************** The original draft (modified) ********************************* 

pottzy created a bowl, so I felt impelled to create a puzzle… He insisted it wasn’t a bowl, so I insist this isn’t a puzzle... and many may agree and consider it in bad taste… consequently if you are easily offended, I suggest you take the opportunity to leave and not dislike me any greater.
The basis for this puzzle dates back to the 1940’s and if you want the skinny on it, suggest you Google it.
I was desperate for a retaliatory puzzle to counteract that latest pottzy indiscretion, and somehow came across this puzzle/joke.  
Although the original object of this puzzle was to fold this printed picture 

(picture available for you to print)... of 4 pigs to reveal a hidden 5th. pig, the alcohol started circulating in my brain while I sat postulating how I could morph this into one of my laser cut MDF gizmos. 
I don’t mind playing with Photo-Paint (the Corel distant cousin to Photoshop), so it was cleaned up and imported into CorelDraw

which was used to dissect it into pieces, to form a basic rudimentary “jigsaw” of varying sized pieces,
Cut out a prototype, which I wasn’t happy with as mine was exact and not camouflaged between folds of paper.
Started toying around with the graphics and I was grateful for not being a customer, charged by hourly rates for re-designing the picture.
Eventually came up with a result that yielded a satisfactory 5th. pig result.

Did quite a production run,

requiring quite a bit of sanding,
I used a piece of aluminium flywire to hold down the pieces while I blasted away the MDF dust with air,
Then it was a job of bagging them with instructions,
The puzzles were bagged upside down, out of order.

You may notice holes in the base. They are designed to pike out any incorrect piece placement without disturbing the others.

There are two objectives to the puzzle as per attached instructions which is folded to hide “both solutions”,

Which instructed the solver to,
1.  Asemble the pieces like you would a “square piece” jigsaw puzzle.
2. Once assembled, flip the instructions over, which should confirm the “jigsaw” layout and instruct the solver to arrange the pieces to disclose a 5th. pig.

As mentioned, some peopled may be sensitive to the solution so it’s hard to hide the pictures that follow, however, before you make that obvious look down, leave the thread.

Flip the paper if you are stuck,

The first batch included what many consider fits the title,

and for the others, I'm just the messenger so please ignore the

After the initial build, I found 3 more subjects, with the latest (last one) created very recently. These are the 5 puzzles available... the first two should be obvious,

Maybe not so familiar for the younger gen Mussolini amongst the foxes... though I did say this is an adult puzzle,

More recent, Saddam Hussein amongst the dinosaurs,

and our favourite skinhead,
All files can be accessed in my cloud storage here
Note that the engrave/cut diagrams are in vector graphics so they can be resized to any of your choice without distortion.
Full size vs. half size,

The 1/2 sized perspex was flipped and engraved on the under side to keep the "rough" engravement out of touch.  Just don't drop them on light carpet,

this picture was taken after crawling around trying to muster up the pieces... and collecting the last two pieces with the Dyson.

Thanks for persevering if you got this far.

(Originally draft had… Keep safe, jocks... and your jocks, safe!)

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Those are awesome ducky 😂

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Like the hog, Bacon Puzzle.   Well done


You could expand so the "5th" could be bacon strips, chops, even a rack o ribs!
These are tempting me to make a couple for xmas gifts. 😂

.................. John D....................

Thanks all... greatly appreciated.

 commented about 3 hours ago
These are tempting me to make a couple for xmas gifts. 😂

Cool '55... that was my intention in posting... not my design, and a tad late to lodge a patent after 83 years.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD