Finishing the old year

With the New Year quickly approaching I always try to finish all the projects that have been idled for whatever reason over the last 12 months. The last one on my list is a bit of brass polishing from an ancient kerosene lamp off an even older schooner. Not something for a woodworking post. So, this piece has been under off & on construction for a bit and paused now & then for other (paying) endeavours. Quite a bit bigger than my usual postings. Finished and waxed just this morning, and presented for your consideration. Happy New Year!

Some of my most creative moments have been when I've had to cover up an error in my woodworking.


Wow! That’s amazing! Nicely done. 

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

What a great design Joe. This is the crescendo of months of illusions.

.................. John D....................

Beautiful!  But my eyes are crossed and my brain is confused. 
What a feat!  It certainly boggles the mind!

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Benjamin Franklin

gonna need tylenol if i look at this too long ! joe where do you get the patterns for these, or are they your own designs ?

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Pottz; Most grow out of simple shapes twisted 30 or 60 degrees out of true. Squares, diamonds triangles etc. Then I add my design elements and a whole new shape evolves. By determining the direction of "light" falling on the drawing the different species are applied to give the illusion of 3D. Some are common shapes from across the internet. A form of the tree for example has been produced by innumerable woodworkers over the past few years. I took it and re-drew the shape to work to my benefit then putting into play those aforementioned elements its presentation is now entirely different and unique. 

Some of my most creative moments have been when I've had to cover up an error in my woodworking.

looks almost like a wood snow flake ?

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Wow - I can't tell what is solid wood and what is open space.  Every time I look at it I notice something else.  Do you use plans or just make the patterns as  you go?
Hey Eric; It was a lot of fun to make. There is no plan for this or any of the other forced perspective experiments I've made. I have a left-over piece of melamine from my bench top renew that I use to draw these out. Once made I erase it and layout the next. This one started with the diamond shapes and attempting to show them shifting from 0 to 120 and 240 degrees. Then the thought was to connect them. The rest just grew from that. I finally had to stop before it grew too big for the bench. As it is the 3 long axis are 660mm. Here's is a picture of it agaist a white background to help you determine the open spaces.               

Some of my most creative moments have been when I've had to cover up an error in my woodworking.