Journeyman Shipwrights Tool Chest.

When I was quite young, I remember being invited into the workshops of carpenters and other craftsmen who all seemed to have a somewhat common (in those days anyway) designed tool chest somewhere in their shop. A place for their variety of hand tools and trays for miscellaneous whatnots. Later having read the history of these boxes I always thought of building my own. These served as more than just a utilitarian purpose of storage but also as a tangible testament as to the skills of its owner. Different joinery was used throughout to show mastery of their craft. The portability my career path required meant that I carried what tools were needed in a deep canvas bag with a long shoulder strap.  This past week and a half I finally did the deed. My version of a journeyman shipwrights tool chest. Done in cherry with a few walnut accents. Built to store all my old boat building/repair hand tools that don't seem to be much in demand anymore. The braces, augers, various planes, caulkers mallets, and irons along with numerous tool rolls will now be stowed in a much more craftsman like way and kept nearby for those rare instances when they can be put to use again.

Some of my most creative moments have been when I've had to cover up an error in my woodworking.


That’s really cool! Congrats!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

now your talkin joe ! this is real woodworking ! this is what turns me on buddy ! i mean i like all your 3g stuff but it was gettin old bud ! sorry but im always honest ! keep this kind of stuff coming !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.


That tool chest is fantastic!

I can't believe you made a hinge too.

Heir loom quality.


Great looking chest.   Nice joinery.   Well done



Nice build.  Mitre joints, finger joints and the integral hinge.  Fantastic.  Cherry looks great with walnut. 


daveg, SW Washington & AZ

Great looking box. Hinge is real nice
I'm a big fan of clean lines that let me see the craftsmanship.  I immediately noticed the wooden hinges and finger joints.  It looks like you still need to put some finish on it.  I hope you post some final pictures with it full of tools.  Great looking chest.  Nice work.
Great Job! The hinge is a nice touch - I like it!
That’s great, a fitting home for nice historical collection of tools. Like the others, I like the hinges too.
Great job Joe, looks fantastic - Where you cross the grain where the hinges are, did you half lap it or just butt joint?
They are let in with snug fit unglued sliding dovetail at the crossgrain joints.

Some of my most creative moments have been when I've had to cover up an error in my woodworking.

Super nice Joe!

.................. John D....................

First time seeing this chest.
Really good.
Awesome tool chest Joe, nice work, love the hingecrafter hinges.