Laser Foot Extensions

I bought a new X Tool laser and wanted it higher so I could always use an adjustable platform under it. They sell red hollow aluminum extensions that screw into the short ones that come with the machine. I wanted to have some with holes in the center of the bottom so I could locate the machine on pins in a base I'm making for it . I thought about buying them but I would still have to make bushings to go in the bottom with a smaller holes in them so I decide to make them out of 1" solid aluminum. The problem was that the short ones are threaded with a big metric thread inside. I checked the thread pitch with my English and metric gages and it is a 2mm pitch which is very close to 13 TPI in the English system and my lathe will not cut metric threads. So I tried one at a .900" x 13 TPI thread and the short foot screwed right  I made the 4 extensions. I buffed the mill finish aluminum and coated them with clear gloss lacquer.

Cheers, Jim

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day


Outstanding Jim, just like everything you do. I am so impressed.
your amazing and very busy GR8 JOB 😍😎👍


Excellent accessory.    


You're ability to problem-solve is amazing.  Looking forward to hearing about your thoughts on your new laser.  
Nice legs! 🤠

I also raised my frame up and installed pins for keeping it steady, but nothing as nice as your work.

Check your frame (laser travel) for square before you lock it down, they sometimes need a slight tweak.

Burn a large square and then measure corner to corner.
Looks good. I haven’t been a fan of leg extensions on my Ortur. It makes the frame unstable as the laser head moves with any speed and reduces resolution. Fine if you go slow. Of course mine fold up and aren’t nearly as stout as yours. I’d really like to find some room in the shop to build a table with a lift and move the project to the laser, as opposed to moving the laser frame up and down. A lot of ways to skin a cat. 

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Thank you all for the nice comments.

Hi Bruce. I'm not going to lock it down- just retain it from sliding of shifting position on some 3/16" pins in the bottom of the extensions. I will try that big square to see hoe parallel it is. It sits flat on all four pins right now.

Hi Ryan, I liked the solid pins as it gives the frame a little more weight. I don't like the idea of moving  the frame up and down for different jobs either. Room in the shop is a problem for me too. This laser can't be in my regular shop because of all the dust and my wife does not want it in the living room !!!!

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

It does seem like you are "locking down" in the ways Ryan and I are thinking.
Just need to keep it from shifting/sliding around on the table.

The up/down thing bothered me too, raised mine about 2". I can still adjust the laser down to the table so I'm just making more use of its travel ability.
Haven't done anything that required raising the frame higher, if I ever do then I'll add some temporary blocks.
Probably better to just cut a hole in my table and raise the project up from below.

Dust shouldn't be too much of an issue, just  alarge trash bag when not in use. They create their own dust in operation so no matter what you will need to break out the air hose on occasion to blow off the lase parts.

Gonna be fun to see what you create!
I love reading the Cliff notes you guys jot down, when doing the roll yer own parts and pieces, and I don't even have a laser. 

I agree, gonna be fun to see what you create. :-)
Hi Bruce and George. I'm waiting for the GeekBee  air pump yet.  I'm not a digital person so I hope I can learn how to make it work. I may have to get some kid from East Kentwood high school to teach me. Another teacher from the high school who I worked with there has  a CNC laser at home and he uses Lightburn Software. I'll probably buy a copy down the line so I can learn from him with the same software.

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

Fantastic Project Jim!!!!
Your Tool Making skills are a wonderful asset,

 Thanks, Cliff. !!  I like to have a reason to get on that metal lathe all the time!!

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day