Completed Dutchy Wasp scooter

 I recently got both the TUK TUK and the Wasp scooter plans from Dutchy and I couldn't decide which to make first.  But after learning that Steve, our Phenrica Woodstuff pal, is making the TUKTUK, I decided on the Wasp scooter.  It was a really nice build and I did add a couple of my own details to an already great plan.  After watching a laser marquetry show on Acutabove Woodworking, I decided to add a Wasp wheel cover to the Spare tire.  So, yellow and black veneer was used and all went well.  I also followed Dutchy's recommendation and made the front sections from two pieces instead of trying to fabricate them from one solid piece.  The strength of the glued pieces is much better than having the grain run short ways on the either the upper pieces or the lower, depending on how the stock is positioned for cutting.  Glueing together solves the short grain issue completely.  

A variety of stock was used including poplar, maple, purple heart, padauk, leopard wood, cherry, walnut, orange osage, and Brazilian Cherry.  I also added the Wasp license plate.   I still need to make a better base for it.  The plan calls for the kick stand to be the main source of stability but I would like a bit more stability  so I am going to add a base to it and I have already drilled the 1/4” hole in the bottom (can be seen in the photo of the bottom just forward of the kickstand lock post) for the clear plastic rod I will use as the primary support.  The wheels are ebonized and the finish is MinWax rattle can Satin lacquer.    Here are a few photos.   


Some fine details! Excellent! 
All of your work is very nicely done. Love them all!
Love your work, very nice. The blue jeep almost looks like you could get in and drive away.
well done papa !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Great execution! Of the WASP. Well done Dave. Also great color combinations and nice laser work to.

The video of the Phenrica Tuk tuk

Absolutely 💯 winner Dave
Looks awesome 👏 sir

Life’s Good, Enjoy Each New Day’s Blessings

Dutchy:  Vespa = Wasp.  Pioggio also has a wasp logo which is where I got the image.  😉😉
Nicely done!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Good morning.  Here is a quick update to my previous post.  I have completed the additional base for the  scooter and here are a couple of photos.  I think it definitely adds stability to the model.   It's just some scrap cherry ply I had with a cherry banding added.  I used a 1/4" clear plastic dowel as the support.   It's long enough that I can choose the kick stand up or down.

Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and comments.  I really appreciate it.

Papa Dave, this is most excellent. The stand adds that stability you want so this wonderful project isn't always  on it's side. Nicely done.
Another awesome project!  Great details.
That stand you made gives not only more stability it also reduces the chance of damage to the fold-out stand.

Thank you all.  And Dutchy, I am happy that you view the base as a positive addition and not a detraction from the quality of your great plan.   
this cute little thing is on my list i just hope i can do as well as you did GR8 JOB 😍😎👍


GR8HUNTER:Go for it.   It’s a really great build.   You’ll enjoy the build and the outcome.  👍👍
Dave below 5 times a wasp on his base 😊.Used a 8 mm dowel and drilled a hole in the wasp.