Toilet stools

So, decided to try building a "toilet stool."  These stools are supposed to allow for a squat compared to a sit position (for some of the background that I won't attempt to go into, here's a WebMd article).  

Anyway, the first one was really a prototype, so it is now in the mudroom bathroom area.  The base was scrap plywood, although I did use a piece of cherry for the top (was too thin so reinforced with more scrap plywood).  After I painted the base, it ended up looking OK.  Designed to slide back and out of the way when not on use.  

The second one was for a main bathroom and my husband wanted the top to be the flooring used in that bathroom.  I mitered the corners (that took some hard thinking to get those to all work out!) and framed some leftover flooring we had with oak, painted that black along with the base.

Various progress pictures 

Used splines on the outer corners (have to use that jig, plus needed the added corner strength given the design)

Can never have too many clamps 🤣🤣

My pup found the project embarrassing


The Squatty Potty thing is a position where I would most NOT be able to do what I went in for. Even the old school tiny terlit size had me too folded up. The newer ADULT sized ones allow Mother Nature to happen. But I am a Large curd kinda cheese. I think these work very well on smallish people, it was Asians who initially came up with this design. For us larger folks we need to not be knees above ears. :-)

Just in case you get all backed up trying your new raiser upper. Swap back, and see if it works out.

Love that pup.
GeorgeWest- yes, time will tell whether this was a good idea...or not!  🤷‍♀️
First thing that comes to my impulsive mind is attaching some fuzzy slipper feet massage/warmers.
With a near by magazine library, could become a nice "me time" nook.

The Pup is thinking "I could have told you this was the proper way to do your business when I was born, geeeze!"
Splintergroup- I think she was just embarrassed to even be in the picture with this project!!  
Mooooooommmm that isn't how I do ittttttt. :-)
hey barb i think there is a patent on it so you could be sued for patent infringement..............just sayin ! and howard stern might be involved 🤣 so im gonna need a review once the testing stage is complete. does this 💩 really work ? i dont think your dog is buyin it though ? sorry but you knew this kinda stuff 💩 was gonna come up. 🤣🤣🤣

actually though i may make one ?

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Pottz - there are a lot of "versions" of this out there.  Definitely not going into selling, just filling a family member request.  🙄  You'll have to post if you build one.  
i will barb. but dont forget that review 😁

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Haha...I'll have to have my husband write the review 🤣🤣🤣  
i was hoping so barb ! 🤔😎

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

In our 3-bathroom house, we have toilets of three different heights. Which works out pretty well, since I’m more than a foot taller than my sweetie and have titanium knees. Her favorite pot is one I need a grab bar to stand up from. My fave has her almost dangling her feet.

May you have the day you deserve!

Dave - lots of variables.  Sounds like you have options!
I'm puzzled by this, really. Can't the same effect be had by leaning forward? The angle would be about the same. It's not like gravity divided by the square root of two is going to make a big difference (assuming one is bent to 45°). Also, fiber is your friend. Nice work on the project, in any event!

Steven- Random Orbital Nailer

Absolutely. Fiber and plenty of fluids are your best friends. 
Dark_Lightning & GeorgeWest - lot of factors go into the "go"!  Whether this is useful or not, at least I had some time in the shop, and got to practice miters and use my spline jig.  🤷‍♀️
OMG Dont encourage him he might post some action shots!

Regards Rob

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