My Wooden Bowed box

Here's another example of a box I made with a different style bow.
I made it completely out of cedar and Pine. 

" Cogito Ergo Sum " (" I think therefore I am ") If you enjoy my posts please give a " like " 👍


Really neat!  I have a bow box on my mental list of projects to try.  Yours turned out so nice.
Thank you so much BB1! Glad you like it. 🙂

" Cogito Ergo Sum " (" I think therefore I am ") If you enjoy my posts please give a " like " 👍

very cool rick, ive seen similar but this one is real nicely done.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Love it!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

I love these things. Nice work
Thanks guys!! Cheers. 

" Cogito Ergo Sum " (" I think therefore I am ") If you enjoy my posts please give a " like " 👍


Nicely done, cedar/pine great wood combo.

daveg, SW Washington & AZ

Thanks Dutchy. I really like all your vehicle patterns too.

" Cogito Ergo Sum " (" I think therefore I am ") If you enjoy my posts please give a " like " 👍

Thank you gDaveg!

" Cogito Ergo Sum " (" I think therefore I am ") If you enjoy my posts please give a " like " 👍

But not surprised that you would look at the floor, covered with all those wood curlys from planing, and do something like this 😀
You're too funny SplinterGroup. I hate dumping my shavings. LOL!

" Cogito Ergo Sum " (" I think therefore I am ") If you enjoy my posts please give a " like " 👍

Sharp looking box. What is your method to make the bow?
I ply up a stack of pine, cedar, pine. Then scrollsaw perpendicular to the stack. 

" Cogito Ergo Sum " (" I think therefore I am ") If you enjoy my posts please give a " like " 👍

Thank you Gary.

" Cogito Ergo Sum " (" I think therefore I am ") If you enjoy my posts please give a " like " 👍