Saw Sharpening Vise

I like keeping my chisels and handplanes sharp! It makes my woodworking journey sweet! But not only these tools but also all my saws. 
I've refurbished many saws. I've reshaped, recut, and sharpened so many times and finally made this "Saw Sharpening Vise" to ease the process. 
It has sloping jaws that ease sharpening access, a hinge on the bottom, and stops for registering into the a Moxon Vise easily. Slipping in the saw is quick and painless.
Couldn't be without it. 
rick what the hell dont you do 😁

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

rick what the hell dont you do 😁

I have to think about that .. LOL!
Yes, a good idea though now I'm using Japanese saws more and more, the option to sharpen them isn't there .
Had a beautiful outcome with one of my Japanese saws today working on the swap project. Nothing huge and momentous, but very precise and very clean. Zen, if you will. 

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Very nice saw vice. I was recently thinking of sharpening my saws & pondering how to hold them. I've got to make me one of these. Thanks.
Yes, a good idea though now I'm using Japanese saws more and more, the option to sharpen them isn't there .

That's the one thing I don't like about Japanese saws. Not being able to sharpen them and having to buy a new blade is a pain in the butt. Though usually they stay sharp for a very long time. I have three. Two of them are technically backsaws because they have a spine. But the saws I use the most are Lee Valley's. Love them. 
commented about 2 hours ago
Very nice saw vice. I was recently thinking of sharpening my saws & pondering how to hold them. I've got to make me one of these. Thanks.

Oldtool glad you like it. If you need details let me know. I'm very pleased how it turned out. Can't be without it. 
I’ve got two Japanese saws, one with a spine and one without. Obviously the one without requires a bit more concentration in the first part of the cut to keep it straight, but the unlimited depth is quite a benefit.

My (better) western style saws are all Veritas. Two smaller dovetail saws, one it rip and one in crosscut, and a larger tenon saw. Then I’ve got my FIL’s old Craftsman panel saw to round out the little till.

Also a bow saw I built, and old gent’s saw I found, and a couple generic coping saws are hanging around. I feel like I need to up my vintage handsaw game…

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Ryan.... we have pretty much the same saws. I have all the Lee Valley Veritas you mentioned.