Shop Foldup Stepstool

I made this Fold Up Stepstool for my shop and it has been real handy. It won't win any beauty contests but it serves me well!

Feel free to comment, ask questions and "thumbs up 👍" if you like it!

Nicely done, countersunk screws all over with plugs for esthetics, 👍

Have one myself but only one step.   Like yours better, more height attained.


Looks rock solid!
Did you use conduit for that hinge?

Lemme guess, one 2x6 and one 2x4, not a bad investment👍
Nicely done, countersunk screws all over with plugs for esthetics, 👍

Thanks Oldtool.
Screws! Nah....I wouldn't do
Looks rock solid!
Did you use conduit for that hinge?

Lemme guess, one 2x6 and one 2x4, not a bad investment👍

SplinterGroup....its very solid indeed!
I used an old aluminum shower rod for the hinge.
Yes... one 2x4 and one 2x6 plus screws and plugs that I made.  Very good.  
Nice step stool to get you up in the world!!!

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

Jim Jakosh
Nice step stool to get you up in the world!!!

Hey Jim .... it'll take more than a stepstool to do that !!....LOL!