MrRick's Drill Press Accessories

I saw some here show their drill press setups and thought I'd share my design, etc.

Here's my drill press as I bought it.

It's not the greatest in the world but it serves me well.

I designed and made the three accessories that I made for this press to be multi- task functional.

All mount to the drill press steel base with these knobs I made.

First is my main drill platform. It pretty much sits permanently in place. It mounts with the knobs on steel base and can be slid forward and backward and locked down. There's a 3" dia replacement center piece.
And there are tracks for hold downs.

2nd is my drum sander or barrel sander platform. I bought a special bearing that anchors the bottom and allows it to spin without quill damage to the drill press. The bottom edge spins just clearing the table surface so sanding is unobstructed for any wood thickness.

Third is my angle platform. It tilts and locks at any position from flat to 65°. It also slides forward and backwards and locks down. It has an adjustable fence that moves up and down. 

Thanks for looking!

Feel free to comment, ask questions and give a " thumbs up 👍 "  if you like it!



Very functional. Well done. 
The angle table od probably the first thing I need to accessorize with.
My table does tilt to 90, but the "zero" pin is slightly off so after I get it perpendicular to the quill (dial indicator on 6" arm), I hesitate to touch the tilt.

I've got stuff to set up for vertical 90, but the in-betweens are lacking.
Perhaps I should just get a good sine vise. 
Smart ideas, making this tool as versatile as possible is a good method for efficiency.  
Dan B
Very functional. Well done. 

Thank you Dan!
Smart ideas, making this tool as versatile as possible is a good method for efficiency.

Thanks Oldtool! Cheers. 
.....Perhaps I should just get a good sine vise. 

That would be nice but a sine vise for me would be far more expensive than the drill press I have. It would be like putting a $1 million house on a $20K lot! LOL.
Think I'd get a new better press first. 
Probably a dream for me, but they do come up in shop auctions on occasion and for $50 might get one that has not been near any students. (blew my chance about 20 years ago)
I like the sanding setup

Boy! I'll tell you it's really convenient. Really a joy doing curves and shapes.
The Nova come with a tilting table so hopefully when th time comes to use it I will be able to get repeatable results.  The propaganda claims it is very capable of setting and holding an angle.

I must confess I don't know what a sine vise is.  I'll have to look that up and find a project that needs one.

That steady bearing idea is quite clever as well.
Earl ..... here's a description of a sine vise .

The bearing is from Lee Valley and is an accessory for their large sanding drum
Nice accessories for your drill press, Rick. I have a 10" sine plate for mine and I also have a quill stop in the casting so I can stop the quill at any height............Cheers, Jim

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

Nice add-ons!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Jim Jakosh

Nice accessories for your drill press, Rick. I have a 10" sine plate for mine and I also have a quill stop in the casting so I can stop the quill at any height............Cheers, Jim

Thanks Jim. My cheapo press didn't have that but I wish it did. However it's cast iron, solid, and always been reliable. If it ever dies I'll upgrade with those features. 
I like the sanding setup too. It’s a nice way to get a second tool without needing the space for it.
Thanks Ron! I use this table accessory often and it's a joy to use.