Quick Release Drill Press Vise

This is a "Quick Release Drill Press Vise" that I made entirely out of Red Oak.

Check out my YouTube video of it in acton. 



It is Oldtool. Very handy and I use it all the time. 
Have a fairly good sized metal one.   Heavy, clumsy.   Thinking your design would be a lot handier and more useful.   Like the design and  functionality of it.   Thanks for posting.


It's very versatile and can easily be used in other capacities. Like you said... easier to handle. 
Nice handy vise, Rick!!

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

Jim Jakosh
Nice handy vise, Rick!!

Thanks Jim! 🙂
Me like!
I have a metal one for my DP, but it is a bit "shallow" for a good hold on taller objects.
Nice features are a set of "V" grooves (horiz, and vert.) plus some holes that let me secure it to the table. Clamps would work fine on your flanges or you might already have that in mind with your DP table.

Can't argue with the fine looking wood you choose! 
SplinterGroup... here's my clamping arrangement. When I made my adjustable add on  base for drill press, I also added LV t- tracks and LV hold down clamps

Looks good Rick. 

Splint, holding that vice with the Track widgets is a good deal.
holding that vice with the Track widgets is a good deal.

I can see that, very quick to apply.
Shouldn't take a whole lot of force to keep the vice in place and simple to move anywhere.
I also have these clamps and they work well too!

I like it but don't quite get the quick release mechanism.    Looks like a good useful project that I should make.


I like it but don't quite get the quick release mechanism.    Looks like a good useful project that I should make.

Albert.... when you tighten a regular vise you turn the handle so the front jaw advances by the threaded rod attached to that handle and eventually clamps the work
piece between it and the fixed back jaw. It gets tiring screwing and unscrewing the jaws especially when there are different size pieces to clamp. 
My quick release disengages the threaded rod allowing you to slide your front jaw forward until it touches your work piece, then you re-engage the quick release which locks the threaded rod allowing it to turn and clamp. 
It's very fast. There are quick release vises on the market but I wanted to make my own out of wood. 

That’s one handy vice must steal your design. You may have mentioned it but what type of wood are you using to in-gauge the threads? And what size threaded rod are you using? How are you locking the threads to the stationary end. Hidden nut?

Again great tool and I enjoyed your video. 

Thanks TheWoodGuy !

All wood on this vise is red oak. 

3/8-16" threaded rod is used and propel nuts on back jaw.

Handle is tapped and threaded on.

Locking mechanism is a 1/8" x 1"x 6" piece of steel flat bar from HD.