Edge Guard

I got a small kitchen knife and needed something to protect the knife edge to keep it in a drawer. 
I was going to buy a $6 edge guard from the knife brand but the shipping was $20 so I decided to make it.
It was a super quick project.
It has small magnets inside.

Thank you!

No name noobie here


now thats a nice knife guard !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Thanks Pottz! yap and it didn't cost me:)

No name noobie here

Pretty! Now all the other knives are jealous?

May you have the day you deserve!

Very well made! Looks great too!
Thank you Dave! It's ok, I have only 2 kitchen knives including this small one!
Steve, thank you! It's hard to make it look bad when using Walnut & purpleheart combo:) 

No name noobie here

Very elegant


Nicely done

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Elegant?! Thank you, Mos! 
Thank you, Ryan as always!

No name noobie here

One of the best parts of woodworking is solving "problems" - and this project is a great example.  Great job, and I'm sure much nicer than any you would have purchased.
Nice YRTi, good idea with the magnets.
Great solution and as always, beautiful execution!

My one "worthy" knife that sits in a drawer has a vinyl hose with a slit that slips over the edge. Makes me think it could be looking a lot better now with your idea 🤔
BB1, thank you!  Yap, that's the fun part! I sometimes create a new problem by solving the original problem but that's life:)
MikeB, Thank you! the magnet works good!
Splinter, Thank you and that's actually a good idea! I should try it for my marking knife, haha.

No name noobie here

Ron, Thank you:)

No name noobie here

I think it’s the cat’s meow! How did you make it. Did you glue a shim or spacer between the scales or sides of the sheath?  

What size magnets did you use and did you use epoxy to hold them or the cups that are sometimes included with magnet sets?

Dr. Quackner

That is just the ticket. Not only does it protect the edge, but it looks great too. Well done sir!

Andy -- Old Chinese proverb say: If you think something can't be done, don't interrupt man who is doing it.

DrQuackner, Thank you. I made it from 3 pieces. Outer side pieces are 1/4” and I put 2 of 2mm thick/5mm round magnets on each piece.  the middle piece is 1/8” and I cut out the shape of the knife blade. Then, I glued them to finish.

Brit, Thank you! it was a super quick project.

No name noobie here