Box for Muzz (with Inlay).

Boys and Girls,

While gathering ammunition for my next puzzle post, I came across a number of projects I just haven’t got around to posting. As I posted a puzzles last time, I decided to change tack and sail into unchartered waters… bit of a change from drowning in vino for me.

(Unfortuately I couldn't find all my pictures of the finished product.)

Back in 2012, before the duck was hatched named (initially registered on LJ in Feb 2016), I was asked by a friend for a box for a close friend of his, which he wanted personalised based on my laser cut inlays I was practicing on for another friend, using the Old English font
at the time.
He just wanted a basic box to store some of his paperwork unsorted, so he wasn’t after any fancy internals/dividers.
Back then, I hadn’t adopted using SketchUp for basics, so the first stop was CorelDraw where I basically setup an inlay cut vector for the laser,
which was manually positioned on the timber, cut and the inlayed letters manually hammered into the base,
(Hate the waste of the original timber cut-out and to think after 12.5 years I still have them,
the flip side
Before sanding and “painting” with PVA Glue and blasting with air to get into the crevices.
Did a bit of ferret less rabbiting,
to accept a trim.
I made a jig out of MDF to cut some recesses for quadrant hinges,
Hell, that was over 12 years ago when I didn’t know what I was doing… more then I don’t know now… but the box was D4R dovetailed.
Looks like the clamp collection was in its infancy with many different races participating,
The inside of the box was flocked,
(but I still thought it was presentable).
Unfortunately I didn’t take a happy snap of the finished product as it was whisked away too quickly and never followed up.  Gathering info to bore others with my projects had never entered my mind back then.

till my next puzzle… thanks for looking.
Don’t be crafty  Craftisians,... SHARE  your craft!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD


Nicely done.  The inlay is a great feature.
nice box, well done.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Nice job ducky. 

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Nice box.  I like the inlay and flocked inside.  

daveg, SW Washington & AZ

Thanks for the writeup duckie! That's really neat. Have you ever tried to velvet inlay the old way?
The duck does quadrant hinges! Bet with the Brussos and shipping that cost a bundle.

I really like the inlay lettering you get, burnt outline is a big + in the effect.

Nice construction, just wish you hadn't run out of finish 🤠
Carl's box looks really well done.   Nice looking!!



That is a great box!  That in-lay is over the top.  I too like the burnt outline.

Well done


So this is back before they invented dirt? Nice box Duck, love the Olde English lettering. 
Thanks all... 
The laser makes those inlays dead simple... wish I could take credit, but no, it worked it's little heart out.  That burnt outline was not my idea, it was his brain-child.

The main issue i had was loosing some of the little letter infills (pine) and I had to re-cut a few letters just for a small "wedge".

The secret was to cut the inlay 0.2mm larger than the base to compensate for the kerf.  I also mirrored the inlay and seated it "upside down" (from the top) assuming the kerf had a micro taper with the bottom of the inlay being a tad wider than the top due to "loss of penetration power"... All sounds scientific, but that's what I tell myself without concrete evidence... other than "it seemed" to work...
(Tried to track down a blog I wrote about laser inlays on LJ, but could not find it after the re-shuffle.)

The Old English font makes for a great engraving/backfill,

The duck does quadrant hinges! Bet with the Brussos and shipping that cost a bundle.

I really like the inlay lettering you get, burnt outline is a big + in the effect.

Nice construction, just wish you hadn't run out of finish 🤠 

They were octant hinges, but I broke 4 of them during installation.  Their cost and shipping deferred my Fe$tool purchases for the rest of that year.
As for the finish, my mate was Polish (with a Hungarian father).

Actually I can't remember what finish I used.  I was at an experimental stage and hadn't developed an acceptable style... still haven't... that's why I buff a lot... not as lasting, but just as pretty at the time.

.... Have you ever tried to velvet inlay the old way?
Velvet material per-se  no, however, I have toyed around with adhesive backed velvet sheets.  I'm not happy with the edges for full lining a box, however, I do laser cut shapes to use as velvet inlays,

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

That’s a great idea ducky! Cutting the adhesive velvet is great. 

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".