Another Laser Box I’ve turned to.

Boys and Girls,
After posting my Woodpeckers Pen Mill-Ci review, I’d hate yazall to think I let it flop around loose in one of my drawers.  It now sits on top of the Mill-Ci box... 
amongst all my pen turning paraphernalia, 
as a reminder of an empire that I might have built.
This was previously posted at LJ on the 9th. Nov, 2020… had a busy month back then, spurred on by the greatest lockups in the worldVictoria, Aussieland… f#@$ing... correction, fucking (sorry sensitives… after 4 years it still hurts) Victorian Labour Govermin!  
Anyone interested in the 3DW model,

 PS.  Valhalla has been clocked!

----------------------------------------- ooooOOOO From LJ OOOOooooo ---------------------------------------------
Boys and Girls,
I have accused C19 for many of my misgivings, however, I cannot continue my vendetta here.
On the 10th. November 2020, Assassins Creed Valhalla will be released and to me that is more restrictive than any C19 lockdown…  I will be going into a trance and self-imposed imprisonment on bread and water to play the game… I might even take a sabbatical from the vino.
Consequently I must release this project in the next few days.
I purchased a Woodpecker Pen Mandrel kit and was pissed at not getting a poopsie black plastic Woodpeckers box…
Time for SketchUp,
video of the SketchUp animation,

and Trotec software to laser engrave and cut some bits of MDF to toss about into a makeshift box.
The kit came with an instructional set to depict what bushes fit what kit… I transposed that to the top of the box (and added some extra text),
This was laser engraved (2 passes),
ebony woodfiller filled,
and sanded (3 passes, different grits). Then it was re-aligned on the laser and the border cut out.
To supplement the full mandrel length with my design, I had about 7 spare "slots" for bushes…
Wont bore you to tears with my construction method, which I'm sure most will appreciate and if it's new to you, please follow some of my previous laser boxes threads… there should be enough to satisfy the most discerning individuals out there… but here's a sneak peek tantaliser for those two lazy to chase threads,
Mom always insisted I eat my greens… I still don't (eat my greens), but do flock in green.
I did take the liberty to install the bushes retainers on self documenting spindles so they can be removed and totally screw me up if replaced in the wrong spot.  Holy confusion fatman…
The spindles were a pain as there were 36 of them and consisted of laser cut and engraved collars,
and 6mm dia. dowels,
which were rounded over using this gizmo,
(a review maybe, after Valhalla).
For anyone paying close attention, you may have noticed that I repeated my box top doco with 2 Chalk holder bushes,
Too bloody lazy to remake the lid with the correct entry, I hand wrote the correction underneath the lid. Unfortunately it was illegible… not sure whether that was because of shaky hands from
too much vino

or just failing eyesight
Hmm, I decided to engrave it instead…  Had an inspirational moment

and decided to engrave and cut an insert,
with several 6mm holes to store the spindles while using the bushes
I made a couple of extra holes so I could line up any other bushes sets if I was on a production line of different pens… clever I thought, even if you didn't.
As always I'm sure not everyone into woodworking has a laser, however, there should be one or two laser/CNC owners out there that my get some ideas from this… and I'm not suggesting duck hunting.
My Viking Valhalla action figurine just arrived,
Now all I have to do is hit the [Post this project] button and simply wait till tomorrow to start playing my game…
Keep safe.
------------------------------------- ooooOOOOO The End OOOOOooooo -----------------------------------------

Don’t be crafty  Craftisians,... SHARE  your craft!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD


nice storage system duck, my system is commonly referred to as chaotic organization and the pictures verify that.
When I see all those boxes I feel like chaotic when it comes to my tool organization. But fortunately there are also some photos of Recycle 1943.

 Recycle 1943
 commented about 2 hours ago
nice storage system duck, my system is commonly referred to as chaotic organization and the pictures verify that.
But I reckon you know where everything is.

I usually take 1/2 an hour to tidy up before a photo shoot, but without the housekeeping I can match your 8 ante... 
 and raise you 1 extra chaos,

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Love some good organization, Ducky!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

I really like the utility aspect and beauty of the pens y'all make. Just a bummer that now-a-days it's like making a manual typewriter in a word processor world.

Keep it up though! 👍
That is a really a  nice box, Alex...very organized! I have a similar box in the works because my pen stuff was in 3 different places.

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

I usually take 1/2 an hour to tidy up before a photo shoot, but without the housekeeping I can match your 8 ante... 

Ok - you win that match
Boxes for everything, then just a pile of boxes??   I have to have labels on the boxes as to what it inside.


sorry duckie but mine just flops around loose in the drawer !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Thanks all for looking. Unfortunately a pen will be pictured on the opposite page of the T-Rexx in future incyklapidis (when the art of writing... and spelling will be history)... however, while there might still be a need, keep you lathe handy, chisels sharp, finishes glossy and get a decent mandrell.

it's like making a manual typewriter in a word processor world.
Until they invent a mobile word processor... wait... they have invented one... I believe its called a "mobile phone"... but shoot, you need a pen with a stylus tip on the top (like JJ) to compensate for fat fingers. 

I have to have labels on the boxes as to what it inside. 
That's where the laser comes in handy for marking up the top of the box

sorry duckie but mine just flops around loose in the drawer
Maybe your jocks have grown since you moved here to CN.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

now that is a good way to store bushings. might have to borrow that idea. "Purveyors of Portable Fun and Fidgets"