A Choice for Kinky Literates.

Boys and Girls,

Having posted a puzzle as my last project, even from 16,000km away I couldn’t look Pottzy in the eye 
by publishing 2 in a row.
As a peace piece offering, I made a quick 12,000km western wing flap from Aussieland to Mount Moriah to "altar" this sacrifice,
Not having a non-puzzle project on the drafting board, noticing some pen contribution, a number of rev-heads and a fiery or two one  here at CN, I am importing this posted at LJ on 17th Aug, 2020.
----------------------------------------- ooooOOOO From LJ OOOOooooo --------------------------------------------- 
Boys and Girls,
After my previous presentation of a few "pens" for illiterates, I thought it was time to prove that there is diversity in the literary profession and you just don't need to stick to the keyboard or those simple run of the mill writing implements.
While there has been an explosion of individual bullet pens (I am planning on a collage of bullet pens in the future), I thought I'd present a group of some of the unknown pens that the non-pen turning enthusiasts may be oblivious to. Perchance  you may have a friend that could be  pleasantly surprised by one of these offerings from you.
Going the round robin of the gallery pictures,
  1. Steam Punk Bolt Action.  OK, may still be a bullet pen, but like steaming bullshit, it's a punky one.  Like other bolt action, push/pull the bolt,

    to spit some ink.
  2. Gear Shift.  Six gear action, however, don't be fooled,

    two bottom ones are the parking gears and the two top are the overdrive… nothing in between.
  3. Motorcycle ballpoint.  Like a lot of bikers (push)                                                       
    wired up in spandex… all show and no action... and a Hell's Angel depending on a razor laser
     to intimidate.  The clip does bugger all as the top twists for the action,

    however, the skull may scare the bjesus out of the kids.
  4. Fireman's Ball Point.  The clip is BIG,

    and it needs to be pushed on the handle or pulled on the head, for a toggle activation, to shower out the ink.
  5. Shock Absorber.  The spring actually works if you're heavy handed but that only fools the crowd.  The operator must unscrew the body part

    and re-screw it on the other end

    to get any grease to flow from the pen.
Do yourself a favor and check out some of the kits.  Pen turning is addictive , but most of all, a great source of that personalised gift for a friend… it doesn't cost a fortune and only a few hours to build.
Sorry guys, gals and others, but… not a bloody slimline in sight…
----------------------------------------- ooooOOOO The End OOOOooooo ---------------------------------------------

Don’t be crafty  Craftisians,... SHARE  your craft!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD


Nice pens buddy!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Sharp looking pens. Great job !!!
As a retired Gabriel Shock employee mad we and gave away a few of those Shock pens.    Also a few of the Gear Shift pens to  Porsche event attendees.   
Nice pens LBD


Nice pens, Alex. Where do you get your kits??

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

Nice group of pens Ducky  -  me being the illiterate one , could you explain in relative terms just what does 'steam punk' mean referencing a pen  ?

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

nice penmanship ducks !

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Thanks Ryan  -  now can you tell me how that relates to a ball point pen  ?
oooops  -   I went the Penn state and looked at steam punk Penn kits  -  it darn near makes sense now.   

 Recycle 1943 
 commented 2 minutes ago 
Thanks Ryan  -  now can you tell me how that relates to a ball point pen  ?

The fancy piping, is designed to suck idiots like me in to buy the kits.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Just a theme…not much else…

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Well done Duckster...I have made a few of those for some friends.  They are unique, and fun.  I like to make pens that have "impact" and make people smile.  I am currently in search of a custom maker of Mosaic pins.  I want to "brand" my pens with something unique to me.  There are several guys I communicate with occasionally that do that with the barrels of pens like this.  One is a gun guy and makes bolt action pens and them delivers them in custom boxes.  Like mini Pelican cases.....there are tons of ideas out there and pen making is so much fun.  I have been doing it for 20 years now and still going strong.....Thanks for showing Duckie...


Mike, this is a simple flip top pen holder I stole from some online source. They’re pretty quick to make, and could be made to match the pen material if you wanted. 

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

those are great boxes for storage and to display.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Thanks guys...I have had custom embossed pen boxes, they went over the moon price wise.  I am now using boxes from uline, but I just heard about a reasonable embossed box, am in the process of tracking it down.  What I am searching for is a custom mosaic pin, that I can put in the end of a pen.  Similar to "Mont Blanc" star on their pens.  It will be my branding that I use when ever the pen kit will allow.  I heard about this person that will do that, but lost the name of the company...but it s simple to find out.

The box company I was using with the imprint of my brand...Michael Curtis Pens...(Curtis is my middle name) is now about $4.20 per box.  When I was selling the pens it gave them a nice marketing "push"...now that I am giving them away, I give them a black Uline box with a black background and gold printed label, from my label machine.   It is somewhat cheesy but hey the pen is free.  I always give my doctors a pen fairly often and friends too.  The Doctors like them, I have popped in and they usually have the pen in their coat.  I record the type of refill and when I see them for an appt, I give them a refill, or refill it myself.  Hey anything to get better care right?  


..... the imprint of my brand...Michael Curtis Pens...(Curtis is my middle name).....

So that's where Moke came from!

This is where you need a laser (if you haven't go one) with a rotary attachment.  You can make your own emblem and engrave it on the other side of the pin.  The designs are endless and will make the pens more unique than any blank you choose... 
Tried on faux Ivory and black acrylic before doing on a pen (never made it to production),

and dare I say it... it will even engrave on acrylic.
With the laser, you can sneak in some spruiking on the back of a (pen) box,

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

LBD all very nice pens. Regarding the shock absorber pen, isn't that a little awkward to use? Seems like the tip would wonder around and make the writer appear to be tipsy.

 commented 32 minutes ago
LBD all very nice pens. Regarding the shock absorber pen, isn't that a little awkward to use? Seems like the tip would wonder around and make the writer appear to be tipsy.
Not if he already is... All these pens are just gimicky and classified a gift worthy rather than practicality.

Still, the shock absorber will aid in writing... it puts a spring into your strokes. 

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

You have made extremely beautiful pens Alex. Original and perfectly executed.


Does it again!

BTW I spotted your number there, but couldn't see any of the girls numbers showing,
I dont suppose you could laser up a list Mr Schindler

Regards Rob