I Name Thee “Claudalis”!... (puzzle)


 I Name Thee “Claudalis”.

Boys and Girls,

I have a couple of  new packing puzzles in the mill, however, as I am tempted to make a solid version of it/them as well as my traditional MDF build, I need to take a breather and slip in this one that I’ve dragged across from LJ, originally posted on Oct, 2021.
All pieces are 6mm thick while the large key piece is 3mm thick to permit sliding it under the gate… as there is no confining architecture, don’t tell anyone you can lift them all over the fence if you wanted to cheat.
As mentioned below it takes a helluva lotta moves to solve it, however to re-assemble it so you can start again, may I suggest you just skip all the reversal moves and place them manually through the top to finish up with this shape,
… if you were in Aussieland, you’d be able to see the upside down format. 
The mirror is there so one can admire the person that solved the puzzle.

Not available at previous publishing, here is a spoon feed of the handouts,
3DW model,

3DW Solution,

A4 PDF solution (1 per page) and/or  A4 PDF solution (16 per page) .

----------------------------------------- ooooOOOO From LJ OOOOooooo --------------------------------------------- 
Boy and Girls,

I was inspired by Santa ClaudeF who sent me the following picture,
that got me enthused.

Apparently, the puzzle has been claimed by the Poles and the Chinese (of course), however, the Yankee Chicagoans have also made many a voodoo effigies for any potential rival claimants.
The Poles called it Klotski, the Chines tagged it 該死的, 如果我知道 and all the names used by other claimants would fill a small book… consequently I Named It "Claudalis"!

Now before you get on your high-horse (or rocker), ClaudeF's pictured puzzle is made of solids, so don't give me that I don't have a laser argument crap.  You don't need a laser or CNC for this puzzle… only a sadistic mind which is needed, as apparently the best a computer could manage was a huge pissant 81 move solution.
I bypassed solids and chose lasered MDF simply 'cause I have plenty of MDF…
and also a laser to boot.

The puzzle consists of 10 finite shapes enclosed in a frame with an opening to sneak out the "solved piece", all resting on a base.
You can choose your own dimensions, but once decided on a base "unit", it should be maintained for all pieces, with the frame and base resized accordingly.
Let's me turn on my academic algebraicism (no, that's not a racist outcry) composure and call the unit "y".  Why "y", you may ask in October… because "x" is used in the dimensioning formula… bet you never thought you'd ever use that maths you learnt (and forgot) all those decades ago.
You will need:-
  1. One of 2y x 2y x 3mm (magenta).
  2. Four of 1y x 1y x 6mm (red)… oriented however you like.
  3. Four of 1y x 2y x 6mm (green).
  4. One of 2y x 1y x 3mm (mint green).
    I'll let you into a little secret… shhh, items 3 and 4 above are exactly the same size except oriented different in the puzzle layout… shhh!

The objective is to coax the large square by dexterous manipulation of the other squares, all inside the fence, until you can ejaculate it out the opening slot… galery picture #5 is the last "solution" move and picture #6 is the Great Escape..
Now they all say that 1,000 words are worth a picture, so me crapping on above saved me posting another picture… here.

Off to SketchUp and after a few design → print (laser cut) unsatisfactory results,
No "gate"
and engraved letters,
removable gate
I finalised on this design, replacing the letters with holes and the "gate" with a slot,
The holes in each piece was purely to facilitate finger grip... though the ½" cut-out circle of MDF would make it lighter if you decided to carry it with you on your next walkabouts trip to the Australian outback… with some luck, the complexity of the puzzle would preclude an overall attraction by an overabundance of

salties up North (RC territory).

The first prototype, with the letters, was salvaged,
with the addition of a slot and a non lettered 3mm large holey square.

With dogged determination and perseverance, I manage to solve the Claudalis. It was a tad difficult to record my initial uncountable moves solution…  this was a bummer as I like to include the solution as an integral part of any of my puzzles in the packaged instructions,

Fortunately I managed to find a repeatable/documentable solution which I "imported" into SketchUp and published an animation of that solution on YouTube.  Sadly that solution was not enacted by a computer and this "human" recorded 101 moves to solve it.

As always… when I don't forget and manage to find some sober time, here are a couple of videos I made that,

The video solution can be more intimidating  than a smiling  LBD on steroids,
So for all you scaredy cats
here's an abridged PDF of the solution summarised on a few pages.

I believe it is a fairly simple project to make using conventional woodworking materials/machinery and it's hard to bypass the innumerable pleasure you would experience if you gave this puzzle to one of your obnoxious relos or "friends"… or challenge someone intelligent if you can find them.

Keep safe, jocks... and your jocks, safe!
----------------------------------------- ooooOOOO The End OOOOooooo ---------------------------------------------
Don’t be crafty  Craftisians,... SHARE  your craft!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

and you call that simple?  Your write up is more complicated than most of my projects. Way cool!

Hey, you don't know me, but you don't like me ... Buck Owens

You have a puzzle solving robot? 😳 What the hell are you guys up to down there?!?!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Easy to make - not so easy to solve...

and you call that simple? ...

....😳 What the hell are you guys up to down there?!?!

 Steve Rasmussen 
Easy to make - not so easy to solve...

That's why I make them... I get the solution off the Internet and let some suckers try to solve it... give the puzzles away for free, but charge a fortune for the correct solution... not the dodgy ones I advertise with my blogs.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

While our kids spend their youth staring at phones and texting, The Down Unders are staring at 
Duck puzzles. Same builder of finger dexterity, but at least the Aussies will remember how to spell 🤠

.... but at least the Aussies will remember how to spell 🤠

I wish that was true, but I dropped the lettering for the hole,

however, after your comment, if/when I run out of my current stockpile, I will re-introduce lettering,

for further iterations.
Makes it easier to follow my PDF solutions... it took a computer 81 moves... my solution list 102.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

 commented 32 minutes ago
This is what I found about alexpuzzles:

Next someone is going to call themselves Little Black Duck... and steal my picture,

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD