Watch reminder.

Boys and Girls,

Being always on the watch (pun intended) for a non-puzzle project, I found the time to post this to relate how I sort of conquered 
my prolonged “no watch” habit. While it may be lacking in pictures, it makes up for that in words… so if you have the time… read on.

Please choose your opinion of me carefully, I'm not spruiking Apple, but rather my method for kicking a habit... will one day tell how I gave up smoking around 90 cigarettes a day (needing to sleep also helped).

While most will think this is a stupid blog/project, this token (another pun intended) gesture is important to me and serves a useful purpose in my aging existence. 
I feel that this concept may be beneficial to some of our more senior members and any “youngies” that believe they may be promoted to one of those senior members in the future.
I presented my Watch Charging Caddy when I defected from Samsung to the black arts of an iPhone sufferer.  My transgression was based on many of the features of the Apple watch, in particular the Ultra, that at the time were not available in any of the Samsung offerings.
The Apple watch has many “medical benefits/functions” that can be useful to an aged geriatric, however, it’s not much chop if you are not accustomed to wearing a watch like me for the past 23+ years, and keep forgetting to slap it on your wrist… or ankle if you’re ashamed of Apple affiliation.
This regrettable lapse of protocol, was highlighted by my fall a few weeks ago.  The watch has a built in “fall detection” that would have been useful had I not been lucky and not fallen over the edge of a stone precipice. Fortunately there was a lot of claret (inside and out) and bruises (out), not to mention a shattered ego, however, I managed to gather myself up, crawl back into the house, wash my wounds and pour a glass of vino… a big mugful of vino.  Had I taken the swan dive, the watch would have been invaluable had I needed to signal for assistance.
Amongst all my ailments brought about by a misbegotten youth, I’ve also been diagnosed with sleep apnoea and thanks to my CPAP machine, I’m now gifted with an undiagnosed, SWMBO godsend, sleep ”Snore_Less”. Now the watch only connects to the CPAP through my phone and has no direct interaction, it does monitor my sleep habits which when combined with my CPAP readings can analyse why I still wake up grumpy after alcohol abstinence the night before. 
The watch has proved worthy in the workshop, by warning me of noise levels… whether I take action is another matter, however, I am now being continually warned about something I often used to ignore without the exact decibel level awareness.
Not only that, if I sit prolonged at my computer, it barks an off_your_rrs signal… maybe a good reason to buy your kids this watch.
The battery life on the watch is 78 hours, so it only needs to be recharged every 3 days, which makes it a tad hard to establish a routine.  Although the watch is waterproof, I still take it off and sit it on its docking station 
when I do my laps in my spa tub.
Although my phone sits in its docking station probably 99% of the time, I prefer not to do the same with the watch, but maybe due to my 23+ years of no-watch habit, I keep forgetting to put it back on.  
I will iterate that I’m not trying to sell you the watch, but rather convince both you and me of my dependence of this newly acquired chronometer… which is of bugga all use having, if not adorning my wrist.
I found that the ideal (last straw) reminder would be at bed time, being an event that is difficult to miss. But how?... without depending on Alexa, who keeps reminding me about my pill (medicinal) times, that I often "conveniently" ignore/dismiss. 
Now what his got to do with woodworking?
What I’ve done is to import the image of the watch I used in SketchUp (for the caddy, link above) into CorelDraw and convert it to a vector diagram,
so I can “print off” a token with the watch image on my laser, that I can store on the charging dock.  When I take the watch off,  I will put it on the charging dock

(1st prototype) and when I remove the doppelganger, walk those few steps to the bedroom and place it on top of my CPAP. 

(same prototype).
At least that way when I go to sleep and turn the CPAP on, I’ll notice the imposter and go and get my watch, placing the image back on the charger… I pretend to switch the token off so the timber doesn’t draw any electricity unnecessarily. 
So far it’s worked perfect for the first two days… be interesting to see how it holds up when I have to recharge that watch on the 3rd day.
Since doing this, I have greater recorded records, and seldom go without the watch for more than a few hours… and no, I never use the watch to tell the time… I still ask Alexa, even though I have clocks scattered about the house walls and appliances,
FAIW, if you are not umbilically tethered to your phone, with the watch on the wrist, a dexterous twist of your muscular wrist (quote out of one of my Rugby Song vinyl records), you can instantly access those 2 step verification codes SMS’d to your phone when you’re trying to login to secure WEB sites.  
The more ammo I can feed to my doctor, the longer I can continue to plague yazall with my puzzles and inane prattle… and this watch will assist… me.

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If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD