Christmas Raffle Prizes for the local community club - a big Reindeer plus little Reindeer & Sleigh

Christmas Raffle Prizes for the local community club - a big Reindeer plus little Reindeer & Sleigh...

The big Reindeer is 26" [680mm] high at the antlers made from select pine, stained and finished with homemade wipe-on-poly..

The small Reindeer  is 11" [280mm]  high at the antlers made from Camphor Laurel, finished with homemade wipe-on-poly..

The sleigh is 11" [280mm] long, 8.5" [215mm] high by 6.5" [165mm] wide; made from recycled Merbau boards and Douglas Fir [Oregon ] and finished with homemade wipe-on-poly..

The big Reindeer [a decoration for around the Christmas Tree] will be pulling a hamper of groceries and Christmas goodies..

The small Reindeer & Sleigh will have lollies [candy] for a table decoration..

 The community club turns 69 in January with the current building nearly 30yrs old and in need to maintenance.
Also a lot of the gymnastic equipment needs updating.
Both are very expensive for a "volunteer based - not for profit" community club with about 500 in classes every week.
Every dollar counts and a hand made wooden toys/decorations will last, so it's my way of helping..... 

Life’s Good, Enjoy Each New Day’s Blessings


Cute, these should go well. Great job making them and I really like the grain on them.
Cute decorations and should bring in a beneficial amount. Like mel52 said, the grain color and patterns are beautiful. Nice work.
You mention your homemade wipe-on poly, I'm curious as to your recipe. Finishing is my least enjoyed part of woodworking and if you get such a pristine appearance by wiping, I'll give it a try.
These are so cute!  I hope they raise a lot of $$ for the community club.  
Like these, very nicely done.   Always like to see us woodworkers use some of our talent to help others.   Excellent.


Real nice raffle items , Peter. Nice work on them!!

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

Beautiful woods!

The ability to break down and store is perfect!
all beautiful crowie. so should do quite well.

working with my hands is a joy,it gives me a sense of fulfillment,somthing so many seek and so few find.-SAM MALOOF.

Nice job! Some one is going to be a lucky winner.
So cute! Great gift for Christmass days....and decoration too.


Deer me, you sleigh Santa!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD