Two Boxes to Tap and Die for.

Boys and Girls,

Another project migrated across from LJ that was previously published Sep 23, 2020. 

With all my spruiking of MDF, this is another futile intention to portray the fact that lazered MDF and solids can cohabitate in the same project.
------------------------------------- ooooOOOO From LJ OOOOooooo -----------------------------------------

Boys and Girls,
I held out posting this project till I got some pictures of the project box(es) in use.  I finally got the pictures a few weeks ago, so I no longer had the excuse of sitting on my rrrs  and just making stupid comments to other LJ members' projects and questions.
It all began… Once upon a time, a friend inherited a metal lathe with a bucket load of miscellaneous accessories. He approached me regarding a box to confine the various taps, dies and their respective handles that were included in that aforementioned nefarious bucket.  His briefs were not jocks, but rather a very basic box design, and after the mandatory deposit of a cask of vino, it was time to tap dance to my SketchUp office.
I came up with these two initial designs,
· For the dies and die holders,

·  For taps and tap holders,

I was promptly advised I had them rrrs about so I did some quick re-configuration,
·  For the dies and die holders,

· For the taps and tap holders,

·  The die holders tray,

·  The tap holders tray,

First step was to create the cradles for the bits and pieces on the laser out of 6mm MDF,
Picked some 290mm wide pine boards which was primarily used for the box tops and thereby governing the overall boxes width,
Followed by laminating the cut MDFs to create the various trays,
Took the easy option of screwing the lid onto the box, ensured the trays fit,
and confirmed the trays weren't glued to the box and actually moved,
Created the front face plate with a contrasting jarrah strip and a finger hole for the "handle",
Fortunately I used brass screws. They were too close to the edge and were not overly damaging on the TCT roundover router bits during trimming. Gave it a couple of coats of tung oil,
and again confirmed the trays can still move (but not left),
To confirm my lunacy, I did the same with the second box and shaved the brass screws the same way.
Cannot remember why I changed the front plate, however, rather than a slot-runner, I opted for rare earth magnets,
... actually I cocked up by not executing my design to the exact mm and it was easier to ad-lib than redo the internals… hell, it was a freebie for someone else and still looked good… and the friend was happy (after some wacky backy).
I also must have been smoking something that day, since I refuse to drink while operating the tablesaw, and that ad-hoc alteration was screwed (and I don't mean the lid).  The drawer/trays kept sliding out when tilted forward and dislodging the magnetic security flap.  This was compensated by a long ¼" bolt through a hole in the front of the trays securing them to the base,
Finally here are those arse moving pictures I alluded to at the start of this fairy tale,
Oops! Correction…
------------------------------------- ooooOOOOO The End OOOOOooooo -----------------------------------------
Don’t be crafty  Craftisians,... SHARE  your craft!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Very functional working design.   Good results.


Love the organization!

Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Nice work, Alex!! That puts them all in one place!!

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

That is some densely packed toolage, nice way to organize!

Can't argue with your choices and arrangement, that is an excellent package and a nice target for "borrowing" should someone be in need of a good threading assortment.
Could say it can use some labeling, but belonging to someone else, it's their job to organize and label (and relabel when they discover a few extra pieces to fit in).
The OCD will love that!
