Small Black Puzzle Box

Boys and Girls,

This box puzzle is not in the class of Kel Snake' puzzle boxes and is not to be confused with my previously published Himitsu-Bako ("Japanese") Puzzle Box... this is much simpler, but similar in concept. 
It currently stands at version 5 of the original import into SketchUp and can be viewed/downloaded from 3DW,

and the A4 PDF solution.

It was a little remiss of me to forget this puzzle which was posted at LJ back in July 23, 2021, so I’m dragging this across just to confirm that even boxes are not immune to that “puzzle” tag. 
This faux pas was discovered while creating a swag of new puzzles to intimidate my friends/nemesi and post here at CN… so without further doo-doo ado, here it is in its original glory.

When (if) you read on, some may notice the singular “Boy” intro in the original… I didn’t have much faith in my prospective audience. 
------------------------------------- ooooOOOO From LJ OOOOooooo -----------------------------------------

Boy and Girls,
This is not a duplicate but rather me running out of new derivative names… and this is much, much, slightly bigger.
I initially called it simple, however, I have renamed it as Small as it's not simple to solve but heavily made by a simple-ton
While cruising for a bruis… bullshit… a new puzzle, I came across this puzzle box,
With so much diversity and innovations here at LJ, it's difficult to come up with another "weird" box design, but obviously there's not too many puzzle boxes presented… so this was the case of a…
I'm resigned to the fact that I can't make boxes as pretty, pretty like most LJers, however, I reckon I can befuddle the majority of recipients in trying to peek inside mine… so internal design is of little importance.
Holmesing on my deer stalker hat,  grabbing my calabash and sighting up the magnifying glass, I forensically tracked down this puzzle to this purchasable plan from Woodsmith
I couldn't find any measurements or schematics elsewhere, so I parted with a few shekels and purchased the plans.  While I don't mind reaching into my pockets (they're not lobster pots, where money goes in but doesn't come out), I was a tad disappointed with the plans themselves… they seemed like they were drawn up about 30-40 years ago and the only update was by a school kid with some colouring pencils…
In reality, it's not "that" bad, however, it's a typical woodie magazine diagram and I was somewhat disappointed.
Nevertheless, I persevered and imported it into SketchUp.
As the plans are "All Rights Reserved", I considered that presenting only the remaining Lefts, left (pun intended) a lot to be desired…
Full disclosure could have the copyright police knocking on my door so consequently I exported the SketchUp into this animated video and a "flat" PDF file so measurements and full design could not be plagiarised, however, could still give people some "inspiration".  The flat file can be accessed through pointer in the above animation… you want it, you go and get it.
While the plans advocate making out of solid timber using a 3mm router bit for dados and trenches, I opted for lamination out of 3mm MDF… 3×3mm cut on the laser and laminated to form the appropriate profiles.
Pressing on, out of respect for complaining LJ'ers about the length of my articles, I will keep the following narrative short and the pictures smaller so those people don't have too much to digest.
For those interested in the solution…,
If other's want the saga in better detail, feel free to check out this video which I have stretched out just in retaliation.
Keep safe, jocks... and your jocks, safe!

------------------------------------- ooooOOOOO The End OOOOOooooo -----------------------------------------

Don’t be crafty  Craftisians,... SHARE  your craft!

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD



Ryan/// ~sigh~ I blew up another bowl. Moke told me "I made the inside bigger than the outside".

Nice! The fun thing about puzzle boxes is there can be a reward once you open it.
Cool box, Alex. That is like a box "kit"..........You could mass produce them  !!!

Cheers, Jim ........................ Variety is the spice of life...............Learn something new every day

Again, a thanks to all for looking and kind words.

JJ, it's made with plans form  Woodsmith and could easily be mass produced in a production run.  I chose SketchUp/MDF production as I only plan to make them individually and with the laser cut MDF, there is no setup... just print (cut) and glue... hardest part is to flush trim the alignment dowels and keeping hold of the box while buffing... and probably most importantly, remembering glue up assembly sequence.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

This one is a little different but just as good as your others. I followed your link to Wood Smith. Great puzzle and I assume you ordered the metric plan? You Aussies are like that.😏

Dr. Quackner

This is something I am going to have to learn how to build. I am more of a hands-on learner. I can follow video instructions as long as I can pause at each step, do it, then continue to the next. 

The Boxer

You make these very intriguing. And every time I look at one of your puzzle boxes, I just want to follow you in your shop.

The Boxer

 commented about 9 hours ago
This is something I am going to have to learn how to build. I am more of a hands-on learner. I can follow video instructions as long as I can pause at each step, do it, then continue to the next. 

I'm just a hack plagiarist... there is a great video of this box on YouTube. I just convert it to simplify laser cutting for repeatability.

If your first cut is too short... Take the second cut from the longer end... LBD

Love it!  The more that see how fun it is to make, the better.  Great work!

~ Mystery by Design ~